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I can honestly say when I was your age I felt exactly the same way. You need to take the incentive and go out there and find things you like to do. I mean there has to be something that you like to do. I finally found out that I like wasting time on the computer playing games and fiddling with stuff.


You have to have something that you like. Maybe volunteer your time with your local shelter or hospital. I also found out that volunteering my time to my local fire department made me feel good about myself because I was helping out and that meant a lot to the people when they need it most.


There has to be something you like to do. I mean you don't sit in your house doing absolutly nothing at all. There has to be something you liked to do when you were younger that maybe you forgot about. Writing poetry or painting there has to be something there.


Don't worry it is the stage in your life because your future is wide open to you and only you will limit what you can achieve. Go get em and knockem out!

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Well I don't get out much because I can't relate to the people in my community,

Asheville is a real political city, you know all the people

who stand in the streets yelling about Bush with signs. All the kids

are like that too. I left high school early for saftey reasons,

and got a GED, recently moved here (Asheville) Since I'm not in school,

and have no will to go back, it makes it harder to have friends

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I agree with hubman. There has to be something you enjoy doing. If you enjoy absolutey nothing I'd have to argue that you are depressed. I went through a phase where I was anti social and didn't like anybody, but I still enjoyed doing things...and did them by myself.


You should consider going back to school. There must be some subject that interests you. Even if there isn't, you might stumble onto something that you like and enjoy.

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Go to school. It will expose you to different subjects and you are bound to find one that really interests you. It will also introduce you to new people and chances are you will hit it off with someone.


I've often felt very the same way, like I don't really do much and have no interests. But there is something that interests us. Sports? Arts and crafts? Drama? Astronomy? Computers? Writing? Volunteering? Movies? Working with kids? Think about the things that put you in a good mood, the things that make you smile. Think about things you enjoyed growing up. Then seek out these things.


Just moving to a new city where you don't know anyone is hard and lonely. It takes time to adjust. But eventually you will. Just believe in yourself and do things that make you happy, and before long you will be feeling better.

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i think you should stop telling yourself that you are not special and have no talents. stop focusing on those negative thoughts and just live your life the way you see fit.


here is a good quote

"to dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are"


its not required for each person to have one thing that makes us stand out from the crowd- i dont have any special hobbies unless watching tv counts as a hobby.


i just live my life and do what i want and thats fine by me.


are you upset b/c you feel that youre not good at any one thing in particular, or does it go deeper than that?

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Hey Ctgirl, Well it may be because, my mother favors my brother because he's so artsy. She always goes against what I say, everything I do, its not the way it should be done. My room is never clean enough, and she moved my room to downstairs because she ashamed of the thought of having her friends seeing my bathroom, its just strange.

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A mother's love is a powerful force. With it we can be motivated to do great things. Without it, we can feel completely empty.


Your mom shouldn't be favoring your brother like that. But she does. You have choices of how you want to deal with this. Do you want to let it depress you so that you feel worthless? Do you want to spend your life trying to gain her approval? Or do you want to accept that your mother does love you deep down, she just for whatever reason does not know how to express it? I know it hurts. I have problems with my dad and often feels like he doesn't really appreciate or love me. But we can't let that stop us from pursuing our own dreams. We can do anything we set our minds to. And hey, you can always think about how when you become successful at whatever it is you decide is your passion and calling, you can go back to your mom and say "see, you didn't believe in me but I still made it!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

You're mom doesn't favor your brother... and I know she loves you too. She has always told me how special and what a great kid you were! And I know your mom is obsessively clean, and so are you... but just be happy because I think that you'll enjoy being downstairs with your brother, and he'll enjoy it too. Otherwise you'd have to sneak down 2 flights of stairs to talk to him at night!!! and where would I stay when I visit? Downstairs, we can make all the noise we want ;-) *wink wink* Your mom loves you both equally... and I love you more if that counts!

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