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tired of life, feel like ending it

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I guess I am on here because I need help. After 6 years of standing by this girl and being there for her through thick and thin, even when were just friends in between our two stints of dating, she wants space and does not want to be in a relationship right now. Emotionally I am exhausted. I have known lifes ups and downs and have felt heartbreak in the past, but this is the second time she has done this. I cannot be friends with her...it just wont work and the pain of losing my best friend, my lover, my confidant is too much to bare. I am tired of trying, I am tired of getting hurt, and I am tired of life. I do not have much option here and do not know what I am going to do. I do not want to hear, "make yourself busy, surround yourself around friends, meet new people" I am not good with pain or heartache and I feel as though someone has died. I am baffled at her choice that she is making. One night, everything was perfect, the next morning...bam...all of a sudden. I am most upset at the fact that someone can treat other people that way she has treated me. Perhaps I am naive about other people, but it kills me. I hate this! The depression has risen to a level that I cannot cope with. Any drug I can get my hand on I will take, Percocet, Pot, valium, anything to get me through this pain...i see a therapist once a week, but not helping...Im hurt and I miss her very much

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Ask yourself this. Were you really happy with her? Obviously not hun. Why put yourself through an emotional rollercoster when you can be happy as can be with someone else. I know how you feel. I've posted enough about my Ex. I felt like I wanted to die and the last thing I wanted to hear was "Keep busy with family, friends, work." This is really the only way out right now. You need to find yourself. Sounds like your world just evolved around her and there was not enough of you. Don't you want to be with someone that you're compatible with? I don't want to stop talking to my Ex either but I have no other choice right now cuz I WANNA BE HAPPY. Just think of the people out there who are going through worse things then us. At least you don't have kids and you're not married or anything. You'll look back months or even years from now and laugh about this.

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i dont see why you cant be her friend though? she doesnt want to date you... but really, you're just being stupid letting it get to you this much.


okay, wanna know about me? i have only two friends, both male, i never speak to girls, too scared, and never have or will have a girlfriend because of this and i'm not particularly good looking either...


now i read this post from some guy who's had a really good (female) friend for 6 whole years, even dated her at times and he wants to kill himself because shes doing that clichéd "i need space" bullshit?!


you need to bring this into perspective man, some of us arent lucky enough to have a pretty girl to be upset over.

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It sounds like you could use a good break from the relationship as well. I mean you said it yourself! You said you were tired of being hurt and tired of trying! Just go do what you couldnt do when you were with her! Go have fun, hang with friends, get drunk, whatever! I have found that Cutting all contact with my ex really helps me move on. Trying to spend every moment with someone I trust and can have fun with helps too. Basically the only time I am alone is when Im sleeping. If you are alone you think too much. You think what if this, what if that. You cant live like that. Give her the space she wants, dont contact her. If she calls you in a couple days or a week or whatever, dont pick it up the first time. Wait for her to call back again the next day. See if she gets desperate. It's fun to turn the tables on her! She will probably come back when she realizes what she lost, but be mysterious in the meantime! Dont seem desperate and try to show her that you can live without her. Thats the worst thing you can do to a girl. Showing her you can move on. Sometimes a good thing cant last forever,,just be thankful you got to share her company for many good years. There are many others out there trust me. Youve been blinded by this one girl for so many years that you probably forgot what the world looked like without her. Now you must learn to breathe again on your own. Its like one of your lungs has been taken away. Its take a long time, but time is the only thing that can help you know. Good luck my friend

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Hear is the advice I gave Baffler man I guess the two of you can talk and help each other out:


The post he made was called: My GF of 10 years abandoned me and I want to die.


Baffler Meal,


I am sorry to hear about what your girlfriend of ten year has done to you, but I plead with you to not kill youself or take other extreme actions.

Your girlfriend is young and she may be confused about what she wants in life. I do not think that the way she broke up with you was the right way to handle her feelings.


I also ,like you have been through a bad break up with my loved one.

The best advice I can give you is to put all of your worries and troubles in the hands of the Lord. God will help you in your time of need. Your family will also be a great support system for you in your time of need. The way your girlfriend broke up with you was very cowardly and she does not deserve to be with a wonderful man like you.


Sometimes God takes people out of our life to save us from one of the biggest mistakes of our lifes. When my ex was taken out of my life, my life began to be blessed with so many things. I got a new job which paid more money, found new positive Christian friends, and developed a stronger relationship with my family. On the other hand my ex's life began to go into a downturn before his eyes, he lost his job, he failed his classes for the school year, the girl he left me for dumped him ect..


Just know that no matter what happens, now is the time to love yourself more than ever despite, what has happened. It will hurt for a while but when I would read my bible, or watch sermons on TV (TBN), it would help me make it through the nights and days. Take time to heal from your break up and do not rush back into dating too soon.


The man that she went to is not better than you in any way, there is nothing wrong with you , she is the one who has the problem!


You should be glad that she left now than break your heart again 10 years from now, when you two may have been married with children. Look at this breakup as a blessing, and know that their are women out their who will not steal from you and want to give everything and much more than she ever did.


You are still very young and you can still find the woman of your dreams.

If the two of you get back together, make her prove herself before you let her back into your life. She should have to work really hard to get your trust back.


Renewing my faith helped me make it during the difficult times of my breakup. If you are not a member of a church, or have given your life to Christ, You should do so. He will take away the pain that this woman has brought to you. *beep* luck, and never take your life for a woman , she was not worth it no matter how long the two of you dated.


I hope that this advice will help you, none of the other advice that many others gave me helped, but praying and trusting in God has made my ex seem like a person of the past. Now I look forward to my bright future to find a man who is ten times the man my ex was. I know that you can move on and find a woman who will be faithful and who has morals and character.




Do not kill your self over this girl she was not worth it.

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If you read my post from last night ( link removed ), you will see that we are pretty much at the same place right now. You are not alone. How long has it been for you? It is one week today for me. I can imagine life without her but I feel I can't live it. Aside from my broken heart, I now have a million issues to deal with. My life seemed like it was all set up and is now shattered.


I thought of activities to go to in the evening to try to meet people (I have no friends now) and get out but I could not after I break down every day. I was into fitness, but cannot imagine exercising. I have a weekly recreational class tonight, I hope to Hell I will be able to go, but I don't want to alienate people there with my behavior. The people who helped me last night will hopefully try to help you too. Keep writing, it made me feel a little bit better. I would say to take something to sleep and force yourself to drink meal replacement drinks like I have been doing, but to be honest I don't feel as depressed when sleep and nutrient deprived.

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I hear ya!


Life seems grey and not worth living. Remember though although things may seem dark, it'll never get any brighter if you don't muddle through these dark times.


Who's to know what will happen in a week or a month. Better to hang out and see, you can't change your mind once you take your life. For all you know, you could win the lottery, start dating a pair of hot twin girls or she may come back with a reason that makes it all make sense.


Life is a mystery. Don't waste it because of heartbreak. There's more to it than that.

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I will say this with the understanding of what I have been through life myself. Seek professional help and I mean search for one that will have some effect on your life or someone you can trust and respect. Your Therapist if it isn't working, find another one then and keep trying. Now you may not like what I may have to say here ok but it is true you must keep busy and trust people who cares and will be there for you because the truth is we can not do it alone no matter what, we need each other. Now the most important thing is you have no other choice but to stay away from her until you are ready and if not you will be in a path of self destruction. I am very frank about this matter, and I say get the help as soon as possible. Please do it now and stay the hell away from drugs or alcohol because it will only make matters worse and it will depress you even more.


Please remember one thing that things do happen but there is always hope that something out there can heal your burning soul or spirit.


The heart and mind needs to be one, for without the other we can not be complete but yet it will take more then a life time to fill.


I don't want to see you hurt or unhappy but to find away and fight hard because it will build something so powerful inside of you that you will be able to share and look back.


I am sorry if I wasn't of help but please seek help soon. . . .


My deepest apology if I have often you. . .

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Hi dmvcc1,


Seems like a few people are posting advices, and I know it's not what you wanna hear right now. I know more than exactly how you're feeling. So, let try just try to post what you are feeling. You feel backstabbed by your lover and bestfriend. She has betrayed your love. Even though you guys had problems with your relationship, you know you'd never leave her and will try to work things out. It also feels like 6 years wasted because the only thing you wanna do is make her happy. Now you're hurt and wondering how could she leave someone who just wanna love them. She wants to be friends, but you don't wanna be friends. How can you be friends with someone who just stabbed your heart?


I hope i described some of the emotions you're going through right now.

This is how i'm feeling, so i'm letting you know you're not alone.


I did some crazy stuff and the people here are right. The more stupid stuff you do, the more you're driving her away. I've been talking to my ex these few days trying to work things out. She said everytime i did something stupid, she just wants to get away from me asap because i'm scaring her. If you're thinking about suicide, don't ever tell her this. keep it to yourself if you ever want her back. Be the nice guy again and she'll see it.

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