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So I asked her out....


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So I asked this girl out and she told me that she has a boyfriend. Now I know for sure that she doesn't have one. I wouldn't have asked her out if she had one. And I also know that she likes me alot. I didn't just ask some1 who rarely looks at me. I can see that she likes me in her eyes. So then why did she say she has a b/f? I'm thinking that maybe I came on too fast, or too sudden. When I was asking her out, she looked surprised, she didn't expect it. Also her friends were with her. Could it be that they had some influence on her? Or maybe she just isn't ready yet, and just needs some time. Either way, at least now she knows, and if she decides to change her mind, I'm there.

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You can see it in her eyes? sorry, I dont think that's a valid reason tho, that's not how I know a girl likes me. You would know if you flirted with her non-stop, and she always did it back, if she touched you purposely and always had a smile on her face when she did. You would know if you had been flirting a lot, then when you tried to hold her hand, she would allow it. You would know pretty well then without the words "I like you" even being said....but you can't tell just by looking in someone's eyes.


I think she just gave you a line, sorry man, even if she didn't have a b/f, girls fall back on that reason when they feel backed into a corner, like you as a friend, and want to let you down easy. If you confront her on it(whether you're sure she has a b/f or not), she'll either act defensive because she DOES have a b/f and you just weren't aware, or she'll just say what I said, she only likes you as a friend and didnt want to hurt you. Move on, good luck...

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If she does go out of the way to look at you, that is a "sign" that she is interested...not that she likes you...But its a good sign though. So maybe you should try to converse with her instead of asking her out so quickly. Like that, she can get to know you, and maybe like you enough to say "yes" when you ask her out. But if she said no when you asked her out, I do agree with the others who replied, it might be that she just doesn't want to date anyone now and didn't know how to break it to you.

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You don't have to flirt with some1 to know that they like you. You can feel it. And she goes out of her way to look at me. Her pupils get large when she looks at me. And her eyes start to sraprkle, she smiles.


Yes I understand exactly where you're coming from, studies on people's eyes dilating when they're attracted to someone etc... I used to depend on those things, but they're NOT sure fire ways to determine if someone likes you. You can say that you 'feel' it, but she doesn't feel it...and that's what matters. Girls do NOT care how much you like them, it only matters how much she likes you. And that's the only thing that matters, you wont be able to convince her that she likes you or anything, attraction is just a gut feeling and it can't be described in words...and that's what will determine whether or not you get the 'yes' or 'no'. You got the no, sorry.


And I could be wrong, unless you are 100% SURE she does not have a boyfriend, like if you confront her on it and say she lied to you tomorrow...she may be attracted to you and does have a b/f but won't break it off w/ him to go out with you, like said, those unknowing body signals that are given off are possible, but it doesn't prove anything beyond the signals...there does have to be some form of flirting or touching in order to really find out. I mean really, yea her eyes can sparkle, but I think what Belle said it right, you're just seeing what you want to see, not to mention the light could have been bad in the room, her pupils will dilate then too.

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Hear is a thought and it may be way out there and sound completely lame. What if you were to apologise for asking her out and say you did not know she had a boyfriend. You could say that if things don't work out in the future, then you would love to get to know her when the time it right. I would then let it alone and see if she pursues you. If she is interested in you and has a boyfriend or does not, then at least it plants a thought in her head and gives her the space to do what she wants. Just a thought and no idea if it is a good one. I personally would probably move on, but at least this is a way to put the ball in her court and not make her uncomfortable.



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