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Getting in shape & changing my overall look??Tips..

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Hey everyone out there. I was really thinking about going through a change. I heard changing my looks can help my self esteem. I got serious issues I still need to workout on. The main problem is not feeling confident & attractive.So,now I'm about to try working out & get in better shape. I'm rather skinny right now & would like to get bigger.I'm about 5'9 weighing 150 lbs. I also have acne scarring from past acne that's been bothering me. I can't afford a derm or go to a gym at the moment, so I have to make the best with what I can do. Right now as far as excercising goes, I have 5lb,15lb & 25lb dumbbells along with this excercise machine for my legs.. I forgot what you call it. I know I have to consume alot of protein for muscles so I bought this nice big protein shake mix. It has 25 g of protein per serving. I hope I can stay motivated & get serious. Once I get a job & start saving my money, I think I will change up my wardrobe with a different style of clothes. Something that will make me unique I guess. Overall, I'm unsatisfied with the way I look & I don't feel attractive right now. I really have dreams to just change into this very handsome guy, who's nice & strong. Now I just gotta find something effective for my bad skin. I have very blothcy skin from past. Lots of scars & discolored marks. I've tried things from the store but they all seemed to do nothing at all for my skin & it wasted my money... If anyone knows anything... Please let me know thanks!

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Don't neglect exercises for which you need no weight, push-ups, chin-ups (pull-ups), dips, seated dips, etc.


And although they have skinny chests, take a look at a bicycle riders thighs. Tough to get bigger legs than a bike rider. Of course, bike riding long distances burns lots calories which you won't want to do if trying to gain weight. Howeve,r you could ride really hard for short distances. One of teh tougher rides I used to do was to ride really hard for one minute, then ride easy for a minute, then hard, then easy. In no time, you legs will feel like they are about to explode.


As far as the acne, no real help here. What about one of the scar treatments? I see them in pharmacies. Scars do fade over time. I know mine have.


Finally, you will learn that plenty of hot looking people are really lonely. There are other thigns invovled than jsut looking good.

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Working out is a great idea even if you can't get to a gym right now... As long as you can stay motivated to keep doing it for more than a month, you will be stronger and healthier in the long run. I've been going for almost 2 years now, started at about 170-175 lbs and have worked hard to take in lots of protein and go to the gym at least 3 times a week and now I weigh 199 lbs, which still isn't that much considering I am 6' 10". My chest and arms are bigger (my legs were decent to begin from bicycling mostly) and people are starting to notice. It is definitely a great feeling the first time someone notices your muscle. Just don't expect super fast results, you have to stick at it. Sometimes it's hard to workout when you know you could be doing something else, but I find that working out with a friend is a great help. We motivate each other. Good luck and I hope everything works out.

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with the acne scars i know myself that they do fade over time and seem to slightly faster than other types of scars.

i know you said you were tight for money but for general excercise i use a dance mat! i know it doesn't do much for your masculinity but they are cheap (get a 2nd hand ps1 and a mat) and its a game so it keeps you motivated!


good luck!

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I think thats great. Changing your appearance can definitely give a huge self-esteem boost. I lost 40 pounds over a summer a couple years ago, and it was a major change in my life. You just feel better about yourself.


That said, protein protein protein, weights weights weights. You should do research yourself, as there are certain ways to optimize your results, certain routines etc.


Good luck

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Don't forget if you want to build muscle, you should make sure your diet is good, you need lots of protein (about a gram per pound of body weight) and everything else in good balance. I started working out about two months ago myself, and it really is worth it. (Once you start seeing results it keeps your motivation up). So good luck.

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This is mostly mental. While you can and should take these tips to heart and try them, also don't forget to work on your inner image as well. Changing how you look on the outside can help, but you will still be the same person on the inside. Work on your spiritual and emotional well being as well.

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