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Why is it that i make decisions that are the absolute wrong thing for me. I always try to do the right thing,, and i think i am doing it,,, and it winds up being the wrong thing for me.. I am so lost,, i feel like i need a miracle or something. I just need to know why i am doing this to myself......i guess i just needed someone to tell,, or write ,,,,,,,,,i just hope someone reads this, that understands,,,,,,,,,,,,,and prays for me or something. I just want to be happy again,, and play music like i used to


i used to smile alot,, and i haven't in a while.........please god let something good happen,,,,,,, i just want a chance


thanks for reading

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I'm sorry that things aren't good for you right now. I think if you want something good to happen, you have to make it happen. It sounds like Yoda nonsense, but time spent wishing is time spent not doing.


I've made several mistakes in my life. In fact I excell in screwing up. But instead of dwelling on mistakes, I learn from them. Experience is a powerful teacher. Its okay that you make mistakes. Just learn from them. I think failure is so much better for us, than success, even though its much harder to deal with.


PM me if you want to go into detail why you are lost.


Good luck, and I'll say a prayer for you.

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Don't let life get you down.

Easier said than done, but it's always easier to give up than prosper.

Why are you feeling so down? Why do you think you make these decisions? I think a major part in healing any part of oneself is understanding yourself. If you can accept and understand what you did, and stop punishing yourself for your mistakes (Trust me, we ALL make mistakes.) you can move on.

Lostinmythoughts is right- experience is a good teacher. learn from it.

We must overcome difficulties, not be overcome by difficulties.

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Heart, let me begin that saying as much as you think you mess up, there is always something you can do to stop it. Whether that means confessing, understanding your faults, or just taking a mental health day to stop all activities, there are ways to control YOUR life.


I have failed many times, but each time I am able to understand what I did, and use it to help me in the future. Then after the next failure I take what I learned from that and it to the "pile". Life is made of obstacles and the tricky part is not avoiding them, but rather learning how to pick yourself up....which yes, is very hard sometimes!!


Please PM me if u wish to discuss in more detail. I wish you the best of luck for a smile tomorrow. Also try this....before you fall asleep, think about what you would like to dream of (money, success, food, whatever!)...sometimes it works, and a smile in your dreams counts just as much. Good Luck.

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heart, Sorry you are feeling down right now. I seem to get stuck with a lot of bad luck myself and it feel lousy at times. But good things do happen to everyone. You do make good choices. It may not seem like it now, but better days are coming. You have to believe.


If there is anything specific you want to talk about, feel free to post it or you can PM me anytime.

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