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how do I bring it up with him?

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So I got drunk with my best guy friend the other night. He started acting really weird around me, and then he started saying things that people usually don't say sober or not.

He said that he wanted to f*ck me...shove his c*ck in me...not to mention acting out stuff with his tongue. Those are his words.

I've never felt so awkward, uncomfortable, and disturbed in a sense in all my life.

I haven't talked to him since, so since friday night. I don't know how to approach the subject with him. I think about it and it freaks me out. I get that REALLY uncomfortable feeling when I try thinking about it. For the past few days I've felt so disgusted with myself because of being in that situation.

I just want to know if I should let it go, or bring it up with him.

And if so, how do I go about bringing it up?


responses are greatly appreciated.

Thank You.



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To be blunt, this person sexually harassed you.



I'd say call him on the phone, and say pretty much what you said here. That what he said was disrespectful, and how you felt after what he said. Hopefully he will apologize, after which you'll have to decide if he really is a friend, and if his friendship is worth having. As I see it, his behavior is no different than a person who gets drunk and gropes someone else.

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How good of a friend is he?

I understand being drunk to the point of not knowing what one is doing, many have been there, but his actions are a tad extreme.

He seems like a perverted a-hole. I highly doubt you'll feel comfortable around him anymore- I wouldn't.

If you want to salvage the bond, (Good luck) then I suggest calling him up and confronting him over the phone.

My advice, let it go. If he hasn't called and apologized for his irrational behaviour by now, he's not worth your time.

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My bet is that he wants to be "more than friends," and in a moment of sloppy drunkeness he spoke his mind oh so eloquently.


If he's intertwined in your network of friends, that may be tricky. If he is just some "great friend" stop torturing him with this friends deal and either:

1) jump his bones

2) go your own separate ways

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Ah - In that case, I moved your post into the "Friendships and friends" forum. (For some reason, it was in Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and Transexual forum.)


Anyways, I would maybe talk to him, saying that you only like him as a friend, and that you aren't interested in him doing all that stuff to you. A lot of men secretly have crushes on their female friends, so that he said all this doesn't really surprise me. He could have been a bit more *romantic* about it though


Tell him you want to be friends, and that's it, and that the discussion on being more than friends is closed.


good luck

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He's on of my closest friends.


And I know why it makes me so incredibly weird, cause I'm gay. The thought of being with a guy is not at all appealing, to me personally. He knows this, he was one of the first I came out to. So I was really uncomfortable when he said what he said, not to mention the actual context of it.

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AH!!!!!! Making more and more sense!!!!!!! Do you want me to return your question to the GLBT forum?


Well, definitely, tell him that you are still a lesbian, and thereforeeee, uninterested in his advances. Be clear. If he does it again, get out of there, right away. If he's a gentleman, he'll apologize and promise never to do it again.

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