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I need help with this guy...anyone?

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OK I have been talking to this guy for a while now. He goes to my school and he's semi-closet bisexual. I really really like him and i know he likes me back. I need advice on how to break the shy barrier. How to help him get through this like incloset stage and help him be more comfortable. I really want to date him too. Cuz i feel like if i'm not with him i'm missing out on life...must sound stupid i know. well help if u can.

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It's really neat that you're comfortable with wanting to date someone that is bisexual, for the simple fact that he may want to date men once he's out...and that's something you might want to keep in mind. Once he does come out of the closet, that might change things in the relationship you start now. If I was to give any advice..I'd have to say that maybe right now you should stand by him, and be a friend to fall on....he's in a rough position inside himself, I'm sure....then let things take their course....If not, I hope all goes well..and good luck!

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I am sure in time he will admit that he's bisexual, but until he does, than as Kimmikazi said, than be a friend who is there for him. You like him and that's good. I am sure he will need all the help he can get. If he does admit he's bisexual, than you can be more open. Good luck.

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Yes, be his friend and be there for him. Let him go at his own pace and make sure he knows that you care about him and want the best for him. Being gay or bisexual is a hard position for a lot of people, they fear how people will react to the news. What he needs is a comforting voice, someone who will lessen the fear and maybe even shame he is feeling. Gradually he will be more comfortable, and your love can help him through it.

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