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what should i do? my ex doesnt want to talk anymore and i miss him SO MUCH


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I am assuming that you broke up with him - if that's so then you summed it up when you said that you don't want to make him sad and that you should leave him alone. Until you know what you want and if that is to work on the relationship so that you are back together, I would respectfully suggest that you do leave him alone and let him get on with trying to heal.


If he wants to be friends with you down the track then let him iniatate that conversation with you. Just to let you know what he is feeling, from someone that has just had his heart ripped out, is that every little bit of contact that you make gives him hope that he can have the relationship with you back.


I don't want to sound mean, but you are being really selfish and unfair. This is not about you feeling better about you, but if you have any love and respect for this guy you will leave him alone to heal.

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