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Hey i jus signed up 4 this site and i like t, but n e ways ive been goin out with my girlfriend for 1 year 8 months. Were both virgins and my girlfriend wants to wait till marriage 4 sex. recently though she decided to do have sex sometimesbut because i kinda convinced her. I really love her though do u think i should tell her not to and help her reach her dream of being a virgin till marriage?

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hi there baboy....

i think if you tell her that you'll respect her wishes to have sex until she's 100% ready, you'll get a lot farther wiht her than trying to convince her that you two are ready for sex. this way, if and when she's ready, it will be her decision, and you can both be happy with it...no guilt involved!

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baboy71thanx huys that what i thought, ummm im 16yrs old. I know were young but were pretty sure we want to get married



ah how many times i said that at age 16, twice in fact...once to someone i'd dated since i was about 12...broke up around my 16th birthday, we thought we were getting married for sure, now we don't even talk.


The other was a mere mention of it, to a best friend whom i had cared for far longer than 4 years, we had it all...everything in common, could hang out as friends EASILY before we started playing around physically, our first kiss came i think after 3.5 years of knowing each other and spending most every single weekend together. We talked about the possibility because we cared about each other so much and got along so well...we don't talk any more now.


Don't do it, it sounds like she is submitting to you to make you happy, but in my eyes...hers and every other persons who reads this, you are much more of a man for telling her that you want her to hold on to her goal as long as possible, even if it means no sex for you. That is something to be respected for, the most sex will do is cause problems at your age...trust me...i've been there.

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thanx huys that what i thought, ummm im 16yrs old. I know were young but were pretty sure we want to get married


I think you should back off and let her hang on to it. Sometimes girls will give it up because they are worried they will lose their boyfriends. And.. truthfully.. she'll resent you for it if you go for it. I think the previous poster said it... Be a man and let her have her dream.


In a few years time... you may or may not be together. BUT.. isn't life grand. I still remember my sweet 16 boyfriend, the one that I thought I was going to marry. AND.. I never had sex with him. He was the one that got away.. and that first love thing... sticks with you.


Don't pressure her. Don't pressure any woman... it's not very fair. AND.. I am glad that you have a hint of conscience that you are questioning your motives here. You are a good guy!!! Stay that way!!

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In my opinion... I would wait... I personally decided to give my virginity to my g/f. I don't dislike the idea of it... Just wish I waited for our wedding day.


Reasons you don't want to have sex (from me) hehe

1.) Pregnancy!?!

2.) Once a month, getting really paranoid about late periods...

3.) Can really change a relationship

4.) She will most likely feel every emotion at once... the first week after sex.

5.) $ For Condoms or B/C

6.) Going to a clinic to get B/C (u can't just walk in and get B/C... )

7.) Finally... PREGNANCY!?!? I keep saying it because u really do get paranoid about late periods and other unexpected stuff.

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If you both want to lose your virginity together - then just make sure you are using protection.


The first time may not be the most comfortable event, or passionate love - so be to take it slow, and be ready to stop if she doesn't feel right.


There is no point in trying to force her into having sex. If she wants to wait until marriage - respect her wishes and don't try to influence her decision.


Maybe that means you will get married - have children and have sex all the time.

Or maybe it won't work out between the two of you.

But it is her decision whether or not she wants to have sex before marriage.

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From your post you sound guilty about her decision. You feel as if you forced her into it. This is likely to weigh on your mind and you may feel bad about yourself if you did have sex. That combined with how young you are and all the other risks of sex, leads me to think that you should wait. You don't want to do it unless you are absolutely sure and it sounds like you both have your doubts.

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