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there is the girl i know we are some what friends and 2 day we were working out 2 gether we were running laps around the track ,and after we finished i got a drink of water and when i turned around and looked at her she had taken her shirt off she had a sports bra on i asked her what was she doing and she said it was 2 hot. and about 15 minutes before that she asked me if i was going out on the town 2 night i said no i was just going 2 chill 2 day and i asked her what was she going 2 do she said she was going 2 chill then we both got quiet for like 30 seconds i felt very weird. lately she has been all over me laughing and just always touching me(she is a 20 year old virgin) and she has asked me a couple questions about a males penis. she has been telling me that when she gets a boyfriend he has 2 call her atleast 4 times a week ( i calll her about twice a month) she says that she wants 2 go out and do things when she gets a boyfriend.and then she started talking about kissing and asking me questions. i really like her and i dont want 2 do anything 2 make her mad,but i dont know what she is doing does she want me 2 ask her out>

only the strong survive and the weak shall perish
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How do you feel about her?


Are you interested?


If not, just be cool. Don't lead her on and in time she'll let go. Don't assume anything as if you do you'll say something that might ruin the friendship. I wish I had more female friends who took of their tops around me

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Play the game...


If she takes off her top and shows off her bra, take off your shorts and show her your underwear. If she looks at you like you're nuts just say "It's hot!" and smile.


Just play the game. If she's teasing, she'll give up. If she's seriously, she'll keep pushing in the hopes you make a move.

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  • 1 month later...

First, I wouldn't read too much into the fact that she showed off her sports bra. I wear mine (without a top) all summer long. They cover way more than the bikini tops many girls wear around here, and no one seems to care about that.

It sounds like she's hinting to you what she wants in a boyfriend, and she's wondering if you'll take the bait. She's letting you know what she expects, are you willing to follow thru?

My advice is to go for it, I think she's flirting with you.

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