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Don't Love Him Anymore


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I broke up with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago and we had been together for 6 months. He became very depressed and it made me so sad to see him that way. He quit his job and he told me he can't get do anything with his life without me. I know he's being immature for saying that, but it still made me sad. I started seeing him again (not going out) because i didn't want him to give up and now he's found another job but i really don't want to be with him anymore. I know im leading him on, but i just want to help him get back on the right track. I want to tell him i don't want to be with him anymore but it's hard because he's been my best friend for about 2 years and i care about him so much. I still want to be friends with him, but i know it'll be impossible in the beginning. I need to tell him i can't be with him anymore, but i dont know how to say it without really hurting him... can anyone help me? I don't want to lead him on anymore and make the situation even worse...

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hes really protective... he would get jealous even when i would tlak to another guy. Eventually it became really akward because no1 would wana talk to me cuz they knew my bf would get jealous and i became very insicure. It's been 2 weeks since we've broken up and iv gained all my confidence back, but my ex is really hurting now. it seems like i just cant win

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He could just be obsessessive & manipulative. However, if he reallyis depressed clinically, It is not totally his fault- everyone's brain works differently, it has to do with the chemicals. Be careful & keep in mind he could just be faking it out of desperation- well, you know him better than anyone here! Think about it, please!

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I sympathize with your position, but I think you know in the long run you are not helping him by stringing him along when you know that you don't love him.


My advice to you is to be honest with him, tell him you care for him but do not want a relationship with him, and that you are concerned for his welfare. If his depression is so severe, he needs to get help for it. It is NOT your job to keep him going. He needs to take care of himself.


Be honest with him, and with yourself. You are sparing no one by doing what you are doing.

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Whatever you do it is going to hurt him. He must not be allowed to blackmail you into staying with him. Be firm and say you still want to be friends. Tell him if you stay as his girlfriend it will only be a lie.


I know it's hard because I've had to recently tell my husband of 13 years I want a divorce because I don't love him anymore. I still care about him though. That's why it was so hard to do.


Good luck and take care.

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