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I wake up all swetty this morning and I feel in my whole body and soul that he met someone new. I started to reflect and I' pretty sure he has an other girlfriend already and that hurts so much. What shall I do? I haven't spoken to him in more than a month since he broke up and I felt so strong, but now I feel that I need to know just to be able to let go. I can't deny that I still hope he will change his mind and call me one day, and that's because I'm not sure he loves someone else. If I really found out the truth I would probably get very hurt but then finally move on. Is it really stupid to call him and ask or shall I just let go? What do you do when you feel this way? I just want to know.

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Oh honey, you know what I'm going to say... No. Don't ask. The breakup has happened, that is all the closure that you need. Assume that he's moved on, and you move on also. Even if at this very moment he isn't dating someone, he may meet someone tomorrow, so it would be sad if you were holding on to the thought of him just because he doesn't have a new gf today.


The other thing (and this is something that I think sometimes), even when my ex is dating a new girl, I say to myself, "oh - it will NEVER last!" and then I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for them to break up. That's not healthy either.


I don't think it would really give you closure. In your head, assume that he has met someone else and move on. (BIG HUG!!!)

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I think waiting for something to give you closure is not going to get you to that point where you have it. Everytime something happens you will feel well "if only...he got married, THEN I could move on". Only that won't happen, as you are still depending on his actions to give you closure.


Closure happened when he broke up with you sweetie. It's in your power to take that and move on. Life does not stop with change - it changes! Asess, Adapt and Attack.


I think you need to leave him, and this alone. It is unavoidable that at some point he WILL be with someone else, but does it seem normal that you won't move on until that happens..no, right? Let go by making a choice to let go of it all, and concern yourself with YOU right now.


Things will get better sweetie.

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Thank you all....yes i'm sure it's stupid to call him and ask. I know it's only a reason. IF he'd tell me he met someone i would probably think that only if he got married bla bla.....then i would cut off for sure. I think i should move on no matter what now. I'm just soo stupid who still have a hope in us. Why are people being so naive in love?

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