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Hi there,

i have been seeing a particular girl now for over 2 months and it is clear she likes me. i have yet to make any moves and friends of mine who speak to her regularly advise me to ask her out soon.

As i have been seing her for several months now it is becoming more and more awkward to ask her out. Any suggestions?


Any advice would be much appreciated =)

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Hum.....well lets start with, Does she or seem to be waiting for you to ask her out. you said your friends advise you ask her out. could that be "her" telling them to Tell you too do that...? kind of a He said She said thing.


But to make this short i think if your interested in the girl. and have known her for 7 months than maybe "yes" you should ask her out. Even if you have known her as long as you have, thats a good start, considering most people don't wait that long to let a friendship grow. rather they jump into fast, into a serious relationship and kill everything all together. Friends/Lovers whatever the case is. you can still say you tried. and if she says no..than hold your head up high and make her think that she lost out on a very important opportunity.

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Firstly thnx for the help, never really seen a girl for such a long period of time and not asked to her out, so was a bit stumped.

Regarding your first question, yes she has told my friends to tell me to ask her out. This is another thing which makes the relationship so strange, she often speaks to my mates regularly over MSN and are constantley telling me to ask her out.

I do really like her and want to make sure it works out.

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