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very informative web site on relationships

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The writer can't possibly be 'experienced' in all of those fields.

I've learned that letters added to one's name rarely contributes to their credibility.


Are you kidding me? So a guy who installs cable t.v. can write and has the knowledge of mental health more so than a Ph.D. in psychology?


Letters mean something. When you go to the doc because you're having problems with your health, you go because he's qualified. What makes him qualified? Medical school, the years of residency they put in, and the rigorous licensure exams they pass to get that Ph.D. behind their name don't contribute to their credibility? Letters = Credibility, period. Their education and letters after their speak volumes about what they know and how credible they are. Not saying you have to agree with whatever they have to say or write, but someone writing about mental health who has a Ph.D. in psychology PROBABLY (99.99999%) knows what they're talking about.

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The writer can't possibly be 'experienced' in all of those fields.

I've learned that letters added to one's name rarely contributes to their credibility.


I do take offense to this statement. I'm working on my PhD right now (biochem). By the time I am done, my PhD will say to the world that I am expert in my field. I may not be an expert in electronics, or interior design or relationships or philosophy or baseball, but in my field, I know what I'm talking about.


To earn a PhD means that you have sacrificed some of your most youthful and energetic years of your life to spend long hours in laboratories and libraries, that you have spent a lot of time and energy studying and learning, and that you did this for 4-7 years straight.

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I've learned that letters added to one's name rarely contributes to their credibility.


One person may not have experience in ALL those fields, but they may have had their other friends who do have experience in all those fields write the articles.


If having a PhD in biochem doesn't make a person a credible source on biochemistry information, I don't know what does.

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Years of work behind them.

Not simply a document saying they have studied it.


I studied Economics for years before I decided to get out.

I'm not saying it doesn't account for anything - but it is not an experience course.

It does not mean you will have a successful business because you have studied economics - it gives you the mindset and knowledge for dealing with it.


Again; I'm not saying it doesn't mean a thing. It does.

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