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Confused, lost, and sad

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Well, I dont mean to be rude, but it sounds like you you are sleeping in the bed you made.. Did you really call her fat and hairy? I mean come on, if you truly loved her, or even liked her.. you never would have said this.


Ok, you hurt, but look at it from her point of view. She doesn't want a booty call, and you obviously didn't treat her with the respect required of a significant relationship.


In my opinion, you are in withdrawl. You miss the stuff that made you feel good superficially. Attention, sex.. whatever. I would do yourself and her a favor, and move on.

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Hate to say it, but you got what you deserved! You were verbally and emotionally abusive of her, hurt her self esteem and called her cruel things. That to me is not love.


I have a feeling now you want her back simply because she does not want you back - you want what you can't have. Because if you really called her those things, and treated her that way, that is not love, and she deserves much much better than that. She is doing the right thing by limiting contact with you.


She is gone, but don't refuse to learn a lesson from this - treat others with respect, love those you love compassionately, affectionately, everyone is a human being, not your possession, and deserves respect.

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