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Life is so unpleasent for to me at the moment =( I mean Im having so much problems, they arnt going away, I want to give up. Ive never felt this depressed before, NEVER!

Ok, my parents brought me a car the other day, but they dont let me drive it because they THINK I dont know how to, thery consiatnly treat me like a lilltle child even though im 19. I honeslty dont want the car anymore, I dont want anything they give me, I dont want to be apart....


The next thing is my friend had a 21st birthday party, but due to exams I couldnt go and now shes not talking to me, I asked if I could go over her house today but she didnt reply to my message.


Next, I finished most of my exams, I rekon I failed due to everything thats happening to me, I hate collage! I hate everyone.


I have a big problem, I know I do, theres no one who I can talk to with trust, no one at all, Im suffering so much.


I cant stop crying, anther thing, I have been looking for a job for ages but no one wants to hire me or there isnt a job that suits me and i basically dont care what I do, I need money, im in debt.


Im 19 but yet I feel my life isnt on track....DO I have depression? Im always upset and at times I think about me having terminal and fatal illnesses. I know I have a problem, I just dont know what to do.

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hey lost_status.


With your friend who had the 21st. Don't rush to make conclusions. Give it some time, she may simply not have had time to reply. I don't think they would be so unreasonable that they want to end a friendship because you didn't come to a party, especially when you had a reason.

Sometimes people need a little time to cool their heads. If she is being unreasonable now, in a little time she should come around.

If they don't reply, be polite and be calm and reasonable. Politely inquire about them. You were their friend for a reason and they will know and respect this. It can be sorted out, just give it a little time and don't give up on it. If it comes to it, explain your situation. You have not made a mistake, we sometimes have other obligations in life that prevent us from doing other things.


Parents are parents. We all have them and at times we all don't appreciate their actions. They don't usually mean any harm though. Your parents probably aren't being reasonable but they don't know this. You just have to sit down and speak with them. Be cautious and assertive. Be reasonable in your requests and in expressing your thoughts. Seek some sort of compromise. Your parents are reasonable people, they really do just want you to be happy. Explain how they make you feel, and what you would like. But respect their thoughts and be reasonable - doing otherwise will not help you at all.

This is not something easy to do either. I know. But it is what is best. Don't fear it though and don't see it as too big a task.


Also, college exams are not so important. If it makes you feel better I am probably going to fail mine too. They are over now, don't stress it. You can't change anything. Look to the future. If you failed any exams well maybe you might have to repeat. Take it in your stride. Don't dwell on the past, just try and learn from it. I wish you well with getting your results.


Finding a job is not easy, and some people have less luck than others. I am about to begin finding a new job myself. Don't be discouraged. Stick with it, I am sure you have a lot to offer. Stay positive and keep trying. There is a job out there for you. I have been in rough patches being turned down for jobs and it is hard. I know. But if you keep at it you will find a job.


Don't let all of these separate issues define your life. It is very easy for me to say this I know, but I mean it.


Maybe you could just talk to a counsellor. Whether you have depression or not, you will benefit from this. They will help you out, provide guidance and will be happy to listen to what you have to say. Your college would probably have a free counselling service and it will be anonymous. I think you should just speak to a counsellor - it can't hurt, and may help you resolve some of these issues.


Speak to a doctor, and maybe a counsellor could refer you to one. It is a good idea to speak with them about depression but don't worry about it! It is just a good precaution to seek a doctor's opinion. A professional who you talk to is the only person qualified to make such an evaluation of your situation.


Just don't think your life is a lost cause. It isn't. We all have our rough patches that we go through. But we also can't let them take control of our lives. Try and look forward to a future that is free of these little problems. Look at how you can make this future a reality. Let us know how you are going and talk to a counsellor.

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I can related to you with being broke and having no job! I am 20 years old. I've recently been getting stuck into my resume. It can be trouble, I dont have much, if any experience. I've been looking at a number of internet resources, there are SO many good resources online to better present your resume. Just do a google! link removed is alright...


I've been through a lot of shit myself but I have it a lot better than most. You get to eat every day, which might not seem like much but there were days I didn't get too.


We ALL have bad times. We all have good times. You will see good times again... you really have to try your best to put yourself in a good mood, stay away from things that upset you. It seems obvious but the most obvious things are often over looked. Don't give up! Life is great, plan goals for the future think HAPPY!

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