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No ones really interested in me.. Friends,family etc..

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I have friends & all, but I feel sometimes that alot doesn't understand me.I'm more of a homebody, I really don't have alot to talk about. But I do listen to them & sometimes I feel that I am boring.There are times when I can hold conversations & then there are times that I can't. As for my parents, they really don't seem that interested in anything I say or do. I mean they talk to me & they're good parents, but they don't like things that I like doing & I don't like the things they do. I spend most of my time away from them altogether. They're really boring & uninteresting to me. I understand it's not their job to entertain me, but I wish we could be a little more closer with one another. It's really hard for me to make alot of new friends, because it never seems like anyone is ever interested in talking to me, & when I do try to talk to new people, some seem very uninterested.

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Have you tried initiating your concerns to your parents? Perhaps they don't have enough information about what you're up to in your life (school, interests in sports, or movies, music, ANYTHING) to know what to discuss with you! Let them into your life a bit...same with people you're trying to become friends with. Find out about current events, and what's going on in the world, and learn about things that interest you-then bring it up with your parents or peers to begin a discussion. Perhaps they don't know how to engage with you....bring something up that DOES interest you and you'll find that others are willing to listen and engage. Check out link removed, or look up things on the internet that interest you, and talk to them about what you've researched.

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I suggest as phishgirl says; talk with your parents and tell them more about what is in your life and who you are. That way they can get a better idea of what your interested in. And see if you can't find any good clubs to join that share a common interest in what you like. I am sure you can make some good friends that way. Good luck.

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A great deal of what you're going through may depend on your age. By that I mean for many adolescents, there is a span of years during which the child feels estranged from their parents and dislikes doing things with them. To a certain extent, that's natural and some would even say healthy.

With regards to the friendship issue, I have some crucial advice to give to you. Know that you are not as boring as you think. I have only 3 close male friends and then a number of other friends and acquaintances, but I don't really hang out with them on a regular basis. In high school, I avoided making the effort to build new friendships because i felt I had a personality that wasn't very mainstream. That was probably the biggest mistake of my high school career; not giving people enough credit.

You aren't going to interest every person you meet nor will you befirend every person you come in contact with. BUT YOU NEED TO SHOW THEM WHAT A GREAT PERSON YOU ARE!



Don't doubt yourself and keep your chin up. We all go through periods like this in our lives and there's always a way out.

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I can understand what you are going through. My parents and I don't have a very "close" relationship. I talk to them, they are very good to me. But i don't talk to them at all about my personal life. As far as i know, this changes as we grow older. Making new friends is also sooo hard. But you may try being interested in them. It's a big world out there, and there are going to many other people out there to see and talk to.

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hey man, a friend is just someone who enjoys your company enough to wanna be around you. If your're having trouble making new ones, there could be several problems, all of which ain't hard to fix. I reckon from your post you're abit of an introverted guy - kinda keeps to himself - try adding abit of sponteneity to your convo's with new people. dont sit there and agonize over what to say not to bore them. Just say whats on your mind, and if they dont like it then they're not worth it. Also dont be afraid to smile and laugh abit, i used to walk around like i wanted to kill someone and it really doesn't lend well to meeting new people and havin a good time.

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