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Why do guys like it so much

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Well for the record I LOVE EATING AT THE Y! All my friends do also. I think it is the intimacy of the act. But there is one turn off and that is if the lady does not respond to the stimulation. Nothing worse than munching on a lady only to have her lay there and blow bubbles.

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Well thats good to hear Mork... lol. And I've gotta say.. being on the receiving end.. OMG!!!!! OUTSTANDING.. and I.. and one of those that.. ummm has a difficult time staying in one place... so much so that I'm afraid I'm going to hurt him.. LOL... Can you imagine that visit to the ER?? "How did you get your nose broken MR. XYZ...???" - Well you see dock.. I was.. eating at the Y and my GF is like taming a wild mustang... lol. Tis embarrassing at time.. honest to pete!!!!

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90% of Women do not orgasm through vaginal penetration. There is some pleasure during intercourse...but if you are thinking the big "O" it doesn't happen to most.


ORAL... YEP. Clitoral stumulation works every time.

Untrue. Intercourse in the ONLY thing that can and will get me off. And I know you're thinking "You've never had good oral sex" I've had plenty, and it felt good. It just cant get me off.

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Men who don't go down have bad genes and will give you weak children. If you end up with a guy who doesn't go down RUN!!


haha that cracks me up... but indeed a lot of men like to go down on their partners, but in the same way a lot dont like it either.

I'd say it's the same thing with women. Some like to pleasure people, other might be afraid of having something like that so close.

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