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Yes, you need to use condoms in order to protect yourself from any kind of diseases that you can catch that are far worse than getting pregnant. The early reports of HIV/AIDS were from the cases of homosexual men. Currently, there are more straight women who are getting infected at a faster rate than homosexuals. So just protect yourself & others as well.

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Yes, you need to use condoms in order to protect yourself from any kind of diseases that you can catch that are far worse than getting pregnant. The early reports of HIV/AIDS were from the cases of homosexual men. Currently, there are more straight women who are getting infected at a faster rate than homosexuals. So just protect yourself & others as well.


May I take this opportunity to point out that HIV is a virus, and viruses are smaller than the pores in condoms.

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Initially, I read it.


I have just googled it and come up with huge returns.


They [Condoms] contain small pores that may permit passage of some STDs, including HIV, the hepatitis B virus, and the herpes simplex virus.1
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There are a great number of debates which suggest latex condoms block HIV viruses, but the fact remains that viruses are microscopic; it would take a high quality condom to prevent the passage of them into a partner.

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The only thing you can't get through anal is pregnant. All the STDs you can get through vaginal sex you can get through anal. Not to mention that it carries a high risk of tearing the delicate tissue inside and since your feces are a little less than sterile you have a very high risk of even small tears turning into a very bad persistent infection even if you do use a condom. Not something very pleasant. Personally I jsut wouldn't do it at all there is way to much risk even with a condom. Not worth it. Also condoms aren't meant for anal sex so you can still get STDs with condoms and not to mention infections from the tearing and such. This is from the FDA website posted below:


"The Surgeon General has said, "Condoms provide some protection, but anal intercouse is simply too dangerous to practice."


Condoms may be more likely to break during anal intercourse than during other types of sex because of the greater amount of friction and other stresses involved.


Even if the condom doesn't break, anal intercourse is very risky because it can cause tissue in the rectum to tear and bleed. These tears allow disease germs to pass more easily from one partner to the other."


Initially, I read it.


I have just googled it and come up with huge returns.


They [Condoms] contain small pores that may permit passage of some STDs, including HIV, the hepatitis B virus, and the herpes simplex virus.1
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There are a great number of debates which suggest latex condoms block HIV viruses, but the fact remains that viruses are microscopic; it would take a high quality condom to prevent the passage of them into a partner.


That is one of the most illegitimate site I have ever heard of. It's a from an organization that pretends to be related to the US government when in reality they post no actual links or references to it. Not everything you read on the internet is true. I personally only accept sources from reconized credible organizations or links to universities or government organizations.


This website debunks that as a myth of religious propaganda and it unliek the website posted by darkblue is backed up the by the university of columbia:

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Here is another website made by a nurse who runs the Sunday Night Sex Show and informational sexual health show she says:

"Laboratory studies have shown that latex condoms provide an essentially impermeable barrier to particles the size of STD pathogens."

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Heres a paper published by the CCD - THE USA's Center for Disease Control. A real government organization:

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Heres another one from the FDA another real government organization:

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Check out your sources better next time. Don't just go scaring people with some nonsense religious propaganda

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I'm a microbiologist and have the background and training to say, that condoms will protect against HIV when used correctly. The pores will not let the HIV virus through.


However, there are other viruses that condoms do not protect you against, for example, HPV.


You have a greater chance of getting an STD by anal sex, because there isn't as much lubrication there, so you have a bigger risk of tearing through the skin to blood exposure.

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I'm a microbiologist and have the background and training to say, that condoms will protect against HIV when used correctly. The pores will not let the HIV virus through.


However, there are other viruses that condoms do not protect you against, for example, HPV.


That's exactly what I thought.


And besides, since virus's are all different, their molecullar strutures aren't all the same.

Their protein coats are all microscopic, though.


? Every virus is microscopic.


Features common to all viruses are all are microscopic; much smaller than bacteria;

have genetic material, DNA or RNA, but no nucleus


So I am lead to believe, anyway.

I was referring to STDs, too. And I believe all STD viruses are microscopic.


(I realise that many STDs are bacterial)

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So I am lead to believe, anyway.

I was referring to STDs, too. And I believe all STD viruses are microscopic.


(I realise that many STDs are bacterial)


I don't understand what you are trying to say. It is not an issue of believing. As a microbiologist, I can tell you as a FACT that viruses are much smaller than bacteria, but they are all microscopic. Condoms protect against most STDs. However, the condom only goes over the penis and, for example, a man could have genital warts on his pubic area, but not on his penis, and could transmit the genital warts to his partner that way. Condoms also break and tear when used incorrectly. Thus, it is not a 100% fool proof method of protection. The only safe sex is mastrubation.

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I want to make clear that I am not saying 'condoms are ineffective'. Not at all my point.


I encourage the use of condoms for the reason that they can stop most STDs.

But I read that HIV can pass through the pores of condoms.


I have googled this, and come up with conflicting sites.

Some say they do, some say they do not. And some say only latex condoms pore's are small enough to protect against the HIV virus.

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which illustrates why you can't get information off the internet.


It's important to go to reputable sources. http://www.pubmed.gov has searches you can do in the scientific literature on peer-reviewed published research studies. I have a very good book, the Harvard medical family health guide. It is very reliable also. When in doubt, ask your doctor. Or, go to the condom maker's website and see if you can find their data on efficacy of preventing HIV penetration through the condom.


Anyone can make their own website in this day and age and write anything on there they please. You can't treat those sources as fact. It is important to go to reputable sources. As a scientist, I can't just look at the title of their article and decide that what they are telling is correct. I have to analyze their published data, and decide for myself if they did their experiments correctly, and that their conclusions from that data are correct.


You can't trust everything you read.

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They are reporting in the abstract that using a condom is 10,000 times safer than not using a condom.


However, I just said, it is important to not only look over an abstract, but to actually look at the data and the experimental methods. I guess this isn't something that the lay-person can do. Which is why asking your doctor is the right thing to do.

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Yeah, not all doctors know everything. However, you were discussing a new technique with your doctor, whereas condom usaage is pretty general information that doctors should be familiar with. Like you said, your doctor learned about the new technique several months later. Doctors are human, not super encyclopedias with up-to-the-minute information.


Either way, your doctor is a more reliable source than a random google hit off the internet.

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I never claimed to know all the answers. But my area of specialty is microbiology, and I have also taught virology and biochemistry at the university level. I am currently working in a microbiology laboratory doing research on bacteria that cause human diseases. So I feel confident discussing this area and I am a reliable source. Honestly, I feel more qualified to discuss microbes than human relationships.


My point - just because you google something, and even if 100 sites say something, you can't just believe it and take them at their word. Any yokel can set up a web site.

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My point - just because you google something, and even if 100 sites say something, you can't just believe it and take them at their word. Any yokel can set up a web site.

link removed If you don't know what dihydrogen monoxide is...then think about it. It's is harmless and everyone consumes it...every single day. 8 glasses is what the recommend.

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