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Both Feel it??


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Hmm, I found that the person will become more aware of it if they're attracted to you too. However, if they're not they will most lilkely ignore it and not really notice much. But in general terms, you can usually tell when somebody likes you, and someone can tell when you like them. Even in the absense or presense of all the "signs."But then again, I think I've become good at being able to tell wen someone is attraced to me, or even when someone is attracted to another person.

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Someone once said to me - if you feel strongly attracted to someone that they feel it too


That they feel that you are attracted to them?

If you are sending signals which would show you are attracted to them - they may pick up on it.

It's hard to control all signals of interest, because some are unconscious. But you don't see what you are not looking for.

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They may feel it but it doesn't mean they feel the same. It maybe come uncomfortable and be a 'nervous tension' between you rather than a mutual feeling of wanting each other. Look for body language as both sexes unconsciously preen themselves, their feet face towards you even if the body is facing another way, they play with their hair, lean towards you, pupils dilate, smile alot, mimic you etc etc so trust your instincts is my advice.

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If you mean that they feel just as strongly about you then that isn't necessarily the case. In fact, I'd say that strong mutual feelings of attraction are not the most common occurrences in the world. If on the other hand, you simply mean that they "feel" your attraction towards them, then I think they definitely do. Both sexes drop extremely large hints even when they think they're being subtle. I'd think (and not to be cruel) that a person would have to be extremely naive not to notice someone's feelings if that someone felt very strongly about them. Mild feelings of attraction are easy to keep on the low-down but if youre really attracted to someone, it will show.

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Not sure exactly what you mean by feeling the attraction, but I do think that the person would know if you're attracted to them. This could be from your body language or just even the way you speak with them if you're strongly attracted as you mention.


As for feeling that they feel it? I'd take that as meaning you being able to tell that they're picking up on your signals. If you're really going with the flirting I'm sure you'd be able to see that they're picking up on it!

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I think that people can usually tell you're highly interested when either:


A) They are also interested in you

B) You are hitting them over the head with it and are somewhat overly obvious.


When they don't notice it at all, that's a pretty bad sign. They're not looking for signs of interest because they are apathetic to it. So if I'm making lots of eye contact and smiling and the guy simply doesn't respond in any real way, I know he's just not that interested.

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Someone once said to me - if you feel strongly attracted to someone that they feel it too


That they feel that you are attracted to them?

If you are sending signals which would show you are attracted to them - they may pick up on it.

It's hard to control all signals of interest, because some are unconscious. But you don't see what you are not looking for.


You say we dont see what we arent looking for.Does that mean we see things that really ARE NOT there???

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Someone once said to me - if you feel strongly attracted to someone that they feel it too


That they feel that you are attracted to them?

If you are sending signals which would show you are attracted to them - they may pick up on it.

It's hard to control all signals of interest, because some are unconscious. But you don't see what you are not looking for.


You say we dont see what we arent looking for.Does that mean we see things that really ARE NOT there???


I never implied that.


I meant - if she is not interested in you and you are flirting; it won't be as clear to her.

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