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how does nc work if he wants to be friends?

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i would just like to know how does no contact work if they want to be friends yet they were the one doing the breaking up? i know i need my space becasue i have been hurting the 2 times he has text me since, he was so much into me b4 we split then suddenly he was just like "i dont want a relationship anymore" ""i dont feel the same" and other various things thats wirtten on my other threads. but if i do no contact does it work in the same way if he wants to be friends, making them miss u etc?

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You need to do what is best for you. If you know that it will just hurt you everytime you see him, then you have to allow yourself time away from him.


In my opinion, no contact is the best way to go. It helps you forget about your ex. If you still see him, the pain will just keep coming back.


Like Serendipity said, no contact means no contact. That's a choice that you will need to make on your own. It has nothing to do with what he wants.

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