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feel worthless after split because he "lost interest&qu

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please help i feel so low at the min, i have just split up with a guy-

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and he keeps saying "i lost interest in you" i keep crying everytime it goes round in my head, why would he do that was i ugly or did i do so many things,was i that bad. i hate myself so much i cant eat or nething. i didnt nothing but love and care for him but maybe it was when i was in a bad mood he hated me. why do guys always lose interest in me i feel so low i dont want to be me anymore

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Eh ... it likely has absolutely nothing to do with anything you did, said or what or who you are, to be honest.


It is absolutely 100% perfectly normal and natural for people to change how they feel about someone as they get to know them. That's why it's good to date for a long while and get to know someone well before really making a firm emotional commitment to them (as hard as that can be at times). There are other incompatibilities or irritations and the like that don't come to the surface at the beginning of a relationship, but which become visible over time and become issues for a relationship. It doesn't mean anything bad about you, it just means that this relationship wasn't the right one for you. In fact, it's actually a good thing that it's ended because now you have the chance to move forward and be with someone who is really into you, knowing you well, rather than with someone who was into you initially and then not so into you later on.

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This is not your fault. This has nothing to do with your worth as a person, which is more than you know. No matter how this as made you feel, you are still worthwhile.


I read the threads from your first posting. A lot of people offered you care and concern, and know a lot about what you're going through. Losing this connection does make you any less important to anyone.


Please, make yourself eat, and drink some water. Even if you have to start with something small, like saltine crackers or bread. Hunger's only making you feel worse, right? Time and distance will make this pain go away. You just have to outlast it. You can. Please, take care of yourself. You're important.

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Someone telling you they have lost interest in you is NOT a reflection on YOU. In fact he sounds like an insensitive clod to even make that statement..there are MUCH better ways of telling someone you aren't the right one for them.


Obviously he saw SOMETHING in you...otherwise, why did he go out with you in the FIRST place? Maybe he prefers skanks....who knows? Either way...it's not up to YOU to prove anything to him. It is totally HIS loss!!! So you hold your head up and know he missed out on aGREAT thing Who needs that panty waiste anyway???


Take care of yourself.....

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Losing interest is just one of those things that can happen, people change, their interests change. Like others have said, there was something he seen initially in you that caused the attraction. Its not your fault in this situation.


Nonetheless, for all the things you said he said in the other post, well people will do that in order to cling. He may just of been one of those people that always need someone and did whatever he could to entertain you while he was searching, I've been in a relationship with a man like that before. Its not pleasant in any sense.


Furthermore, after this split, he'll probably look back and may even try to come back to you but to realize the truth behind the saying "You don't what you have, until its gone." Too many times certain (not all) men will look in a "Grass is greener on the other side" way and try to find something new and fascinating but to come to terms with the fact that it usually isn't greener if the previous relationship was stable.


Do take care of yourself though, even if you don't eat a lot, take something small. Drink if nothing else so there is not case of dehydration. Break up is a painful process, but it will improve. There is always a dark cloud to start with, but before you know it, the sun will start to shine through and you'll find someone who is actually commited and loves you.

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The same sort of happened to me. And I was devistated, I heard the dreaded lines I want to be just friends. I blamed myself at first, but the truth of the matter is that people can just grow apart. Nothing may have done to cause him to change his opinion on you. But keep telling yourself it was not you. Also I find writting my thoughts down in the form of poetry helps me cope. Stick in there and I hope you feel better soon.

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and i think about little things- we had sex the nite before he brok eup! why would he sleep with me then tell me the next day he doesnt feel the same and lost interest and doesnt want a relationship, what sort of guy would just use me like that, i feel soooooooo low i hate myself he prob never even loved me and there was me being a total blind fool. please help i want to die

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OMG same happened to me !!!!!!! . We had sex then later on that day we broke up. I think it may be either he was out of order and used you or whats more likely the case. He was trying to see if there was anything there between you still, but maybe you did not connect in the way you used to so he decided to call it a day.. But believe me, its not your fault and you will pull through.


Also im sure he did love you, my girlfriend loved me, but she changed and we soorta grew apart. Just cos he did not love you at end of the relationship doesnt mean he didnt love you atall. I been in the exact same position as you and I know it hurts. Just dont blame ya self, and eat something as well.


I suggest alot of crying find a close friend or relative whos shoulder you can cry on, also if your still friends, ask ya ex all the questions that are running around in your head. If not a good doce of no contact is needed.





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