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That stupid "L" word

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Sometimes this upsets me greatly, and other times it doesnt bother me. My boyfriend and I will be together 6 months this Saturday, and the L word has not been exchanged. Well, I have said it, but he won't say it back. I feel that he loves me, he treats me well, takes me out, Ive spent time with his family, even going on a family vacation with him. But its so frustrating to see people that have been together for 2 months that are so "in love", and its like he refuses to say it or something. I just dont understand because I REALLY feel that he does. I dont want to start threatening him and saying that if he doesnt eventually say it, things wont work out. But I read these stories of people who dont "love" eachother until theyre together for 1.5-2+ years and I REALLY dont have the patience for that. I do love him, I dont want him to lie to me, but I dont know how long I can be with someone who doesnt verbally aknowledge someting like this... or worse, doesnt share my feelings. He has told me before hes "having the same feelings" and he is "not ready to say it yet". Im just not sure how long I am supposed to wait before I just realize I need to give up and it's never going to happen. Im not meaning to sound selfish or anything at all, it just upsets me and I get extremely frustrated. I dont know if I should talk to him (AGAIN) about it, or just give it more time or what... sigh. Thanks in advance for replies.

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You're only 18! Is he of a similar age? Boys of this age often find it difficult to convey their feelings.


It may come sooner than you think. Just give it a little time. Tip: Don't rush him or you may scare him off. In my experiece (&from my own) , at 18 they find it easier to convey their feeling to their friends. Don't take it too personally. Many people say the 'L' word & don't mean it, would you prefer that?


If you get along & are having a good time just enjoy it! Words can be cheap.


good luck anyhow.

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don't worry so much. There are guys who say that word to girls just to get something( if you know what i mean) That workd is very specially but it's become a word with no meaning. In time hell tell you just wait but don't constantly tell him b/c you don't want him to say it just b/c you said it. have you ever heard that actions speak louder than words... IT'S TRUE... Trust in your feelings. You don't want to just throw that word around, it will become meaningless.

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People progress at different stages - I can ensure you that pressuring him to say it though will not help any. And threats...well if someone threatened me to say those words they would find themselves dumped on the curb before the threat was even out of their mouth.


He is young, and may not feel ready to say it yet at this point...for him 6 months may still be too early for him to be comfortable with it.


My advice would be to stop saying it to him with hope you hear it back...if you say it, it should be without expectations, or don't say it at all.


Is it not better he say if only when he truly MEANS it, rather then just carelessly dropping the word when he does not?


Even when he does say it eventually, for him it might be a special rare thing to say. Some say it daily, some say it once a month - what matters is that they MEAN it and SHOW it.

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