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For some reason, I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of apathy. I woke up and one of my first thoughts was "gee, I wish it were the weekend" I don't feel depressed or anything. I simply feel "blah." Perhaps it's because of the weekend which althought it didn't go as I had hoped, could have ended worse (without any promising signs.)

Perhaps I truly am feeling sophmore slump. I've noticed it at various points but it comes and goes. Another factor may be that we're in the process of scheduling spring classes and I'm totally screwed due to meeting times of classes I need to take.

It's a new kind of feeling because it lacks feelings of being down or unnecessarily elated. I don't feel like I wish I had something to do or friends to hang out with. It seems that right now I'm just letting the breeze blow me around or whatever other forces compell me to move during the day (classes, lunch etc.) great way to start a week hunh?

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Lol that's how I start everyday... It seems like the time in between one set of exams and the next just flies by. Every 3 weeks I have 4 exams and they just seem to jump out of nowhere. Once I made my schedule for the spring semester I couldn't wait until spring... I'll have class from 11-2 on M,W,F and 9:30-1 on Tu,Th... and then I'm done. I love college, but after midterms everything just seems to drain you of energy until finals, they just suck the life out of you lol

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