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I'm intimidating

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Okay I have a problem. My supervisor is really worried about me taking her job. She is telling me how much overtime she works, she's mimicing me, etc. When I dress according to the company code the executives think I'm one of them. That is really why I've had problems with interviews. I'm too smart for the jobs I'm interviewing for (at least that is what serveral interviewers said to me). Yes I need to finish college so I can get a job that fits me. But right now I just need a job to get by. I honestly don't know how to ease her mind without risking my job. Any suggestions?

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Let her be intimidated. It just means you're damn good at what you're doing.


I agree with that. Thoguh I know most jobs have a lot of nonsense going on that is either political or social, etc.


So if you want to appease her- just kill her with kindness. Compliment the work she's doing. It will boost her self-esteem.


For instance:


She is telling me how much overtime she works


Just say, wow that's excellant. You have a great work ethic- you're very dedicated.


If someone feels threatened by you or jealous- they may try to play dirty and start to bad mouth you. So just play the game and give her compliments now and then to keep her ego satisified. You can do these things and still have a spine. I do it all the time in work when I'm dealing with tough personalities. I never kiss-behind- but I realize that some people are quite simple-minded and in great need of approval- so I'll give it to them, basically, to shut them up.



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