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Im a bit worried because my period is 2 weeks late and Im usually extremely regular (31 days between each one) Im definitely not pregnant because i havent had sex this month. Ive just moved abroad to be a nanny and was wondering if it is late because of a change in diet and exercise? Ive been running alot?


Any ideas?

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It can be due to rapid weight loss...are you eating enough to make up for the running...because if not, you may have a form of anorexia too which can cause you to stop having periods...but if you are eating well, it might just be the change in activity and it needs to regulate itself.


Also, it may be delayed due to stress (of moving) or just because you did not ovulate last month.


If none of these factors seem to be the issue, wait another month and consult a doctor if you are still delayed.

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Well i think i might have lost a bit of weight but only a few pounds- can this effect your periods? Ive been doing sit-ups everyday aswell-- hmm perhaps toning my belly up might have something to do with it?Im definitely not anorexic- think im about 140lbs an im 5'6"?This is well normal isnt it?


Usually my breasts get tender exactly 2weeks before i come on my period but this hasnt happened this month. Im confused

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Well i think i might have lost a bit of weight but only a few pounds- can this effect your periods? Ive been doing sit-ups everyday aswell-- hmm perhaps toning my belly up might have something to do with it?Im definitely not anorexic- think im about 140lbs an im 5'6"?This is well normal isnt it?


Usually my breasts get tender exactly 2weeks before i come on my period but this hasnt happened this month. Im confused


It might be the stress after all then, and it may have prevented ovulation...if you don't ovulate, you will often not have a period as nothing triggers it to happen necessarily.


As long as weight loss was not too rapid, it was probably not the running then.

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When was the last time you did have sex? I would consider taking a pregnancy test because if you are sexually active at all, it could be possible.


Otherwise it could be late because of the reasons the others have said already. I would suggest waiting another week. If it doesn't come then, then you should see a doctor. Something might not be right.

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I;m nto sure but it could be the travel. I can only speak from personal experience but I have majorily had travelling mess up my period. At least before I went on the pill. I remember once I took a flight from Canada to Madrid and I had jsut finsihed getting my period about a week ago. The day I arrived I didn't even think to check because I had jsut had my period a week ago. Finally at night when I went to go change I realised I was nearly soaking through my pants. I'm not sure why this is. Also it could be stress if your under a lot of it.


I've also heard that its possible that to get your period while you are pregnant.


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So I would wait a month see if you get your perioda nd if you don't I would get a pregnancy test. Your period beforehand could have been implantation bleeding if you were already pregnant (see first article).


I find it unlikely you lost your period if you just lost a few pounds unless you were already very skinny.


This website calculates your BMI. You jsut have to imput your height and weight. If your BMI is under 18.5 its possible thats why lost your period. Although still very unlikely I had a BMI much lower for a while and I still had my period. Also my sister has difficultly keeping her BMI over 16 and she still has her period. I have a family history of having genetically very slim women. Anyway, I would say if your BMI is below 15 or 16 thats probably why otherwise it's probably unlikely.

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