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Girl Vanishes....

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Hi Everyone,


This is my first post here. In the middle of August, I met a girl at a local nightclub. We hit it off instantly and for the first time in a long time, I felt some major chemistry when we kissed. To make a long story short, we ended up going back to her place that night and had amazing sex probably the best I've ever had. Anyway, in the morning, I got up and left. I told her I would call, but I never did as I was unsure if she would want me to call. Anyway, I didn't really think about her much after that night, but about a month later, I ran into her again at the same club. I was very happy to see her and she asked why I didn't call. I told her that I just assumed she didn't want me to. Anyway, she was with a bachlorette party that night, so we hung out together for about an hour. I kissed her and told her I'd call her the next week.


About a week later, I call her and we talk for a good hour. I was instantly attracted to her intelligence, as she was independent and had a Masters degree, and a great job. I too am quite successful, so this was exactly who I was looking for. Anyway, we went out for our first official date and it was fantastic just speaking with her. She was simply stunning. This time we ended up at my place and once again had great sex. I felt we really connected on more than one level....


I call her a couple of days later, and arrange another date. We talk on the phone for another hour and she excitedly agrees to drinks and a movie. The night seemed to go well, as we had so more great convo over drinks and then we went back to her place for a night cap. We were lying together on the couch just kissing and then once again, we had sex. I stayed the night and kissed her goodbye in the morning and left to go to work. I called her 2 days later while I was having a coffee before work and talked for another half an hour or so. I asked her to call me after she got back from the wedding on Sunday.


This is where it goes downhill.....Sunday comes around no call...fine.. Tuesday is my b-day...no call.....So I send an e-mail Wednesday, with no response....I call and leave a message on her home voicemail Wednesday night...no response.... Anyhow, I accidently deleted her home number but still had her cell...I call Sunday noon, but she has no voicemail, I try again Monday night....nada....


I have not contacted her since, nor have I received contact since Sept 30th. I have no idea what to do as this is REALLY eating me up for some reason...Do I just forget this? I have got her home number as it turned up on my cell phone bill. I would really like to pursue this, but I don't want to come off as some chump that can't take a hint.


A couple things that bother me though, is that she ended an 8 year relationship in January and the fact that we slept together the first night makes me wonder if I'm a rebound .


Any advice would be appreciated greatly.



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I think something made her decide that she wasn't too interested in you. She was for a while, but then something happened. It probably wasn't just one little thing, it was probably creeping up on her. That, or she has a boyfriend/husband and realized it needed to end.


Regardless of what it is, her lack of consideration for you, and her lack of contact tells you something... that she is not interested. Her interest level has become so low that she no longer cares to give you that extra consideration or even common decency to return a call or email.


Another thing, why are you spending so much time on the phone with her? An hour?! Sheesh man! Leave the talking for when you guys meet in person and use the phone only for brief conversation or to set up dates.

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Man, you probably don't want to hear this. Its ONLY my opinion.

But sex based relationships tend to go nowhere. If the first day you see someone, youre having sex with them, you cant expect them to take you seriously as a great boyfriend or husband to be. It's sex. Period.


I've known girls like this all my life. It sounds to me that while she had a great time with you, and you had great sex together, beyond that you're probably not her perfect match mentally and romantically.


If she picks up that fast, and progresses to third base that fast with a guy, whos to say she wasnt doing it with many other guys? Why would that make you any different from them? Chances are she probably found someone else, or was too busy with someone else.


Call me ignorant, but people you meet at nightclubs dont tend to be perfect girlfriend and boyfriend material.


Blah.. I hope I dont get flamed for saying that. Its just my dumb opinion okay?! >_

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I agree with Kurodashi, that has always been my train of thought when it comes to club dating. I really doubt that a one night stand can turn into a real relationship, as it started for the wrong reason (plain sex, nothing else was considered).


Maybe she is just having fun of you right now, as you dind't called after the first night now she is not calling you?



Either way, being the "nice" guy (should I say dumb and caring?) I am, I would go to her place just to make sure she is fine (you know, maybe she had an accident on her trip to the wedding, or got food poisoning, whatever), if she is, then leave, if she isn't, then she is excused and you may continue.

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Thanks for the replies... They are much appreciated, and I guess it just confirms what I was thinking.


I probably should have just left it as a ONS in the first place. Normally I would, but I thought there was something different with this girl. And then I started to get hooked....


But you're right, no returning calls/e-mail than she can kiss my a$$ ... If I ever see her again at that club, than maybe I'll see if I can get it once more.....and then NEVER call back....



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I probably should have just left it as a ONS in the first place. Normally I would, but I thought there was something different with this girl. And then I started to get hooked....


It's not wise to get hooked on someone you don't know. Don't get your expectations too high until you know someone better.

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