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Need help with french kissing

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Don't worry. Let things happen naturally and go with the flow. If she is more experienced then let her lead. Personally, I think the biggest obstacle is fear of doing something wrong when you should just be living in the moment and enjoying.


Don't have any experience with it myself, so I dug into my source of references and found this refresher's course on french kissing and kissing in general. Enjoy.


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just go with the flow. "mimic" what she does and you'll figure it out. My first kiss was with a guy who had had plenty of practice... I thought i'd be embarrassed because I didn't know what i was doing, but I think he liked "teaching" me to kiss like he likes it. Not that he controls me, but it's just how I learned.

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how do you know she has done before has she told you, have you talked about it??


my advice is to go with how you feel. Be relaxed think how much you want to kiss her and stop worrying about how. If she's french kissed before, then she will prob take control. It comes with practice, sson you'll do it without thinking about it.


i know when i first started french kissing, my first was at a school disco, i didn't think about it and the guy kinda controlled it, he was experienced.


my next wasnt good, but prob cuz i didnt like the guy.


then i had a bf and the kissing got better as time went on and more intimate.


there then was this other guy who i kissed and i was the one in control and i didnt know how to kiss him as id never been the one in control. but funny when we were laying down i learned over and kissed him and it was brill! we were both kissing each other, were relaxed and i just did what came naturally not thinking about it and it was good. you just go with the flow. So maybe try lying down. and cuddle a lot, let her know you care about her and that shes precious and gorgeous. make her feel special.


dont use lots of tonuge this is not good and dont force it far down her throat. Use lots of lip movement. Soft,gentle, slipping you tonuge in. don't be rough and dont treat her like an object and dont take over, let her kiss you.


read the posts on kissing pole for girls, some good info on there.


one last thing, you are obviously bothered about how you kiss, this is good as you sound considerate. bad kissers arent considerate, they kiss you like an object, think they are good, are confident, take control,dont learn back, dont let you kiss them. but you are bothered about getting it right, just go slow, see her reactions, dont jump in their an ram ur tongue down her throat. lol


Love Sugar x X x

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Cute website DZ like it.


Ok.. first time french kisser. You've read about saliva control. Swallowing is good. Sometimes for some reason its like salavating over a t-bone steak and the saliva just flows.. can't help it.


Always make sure that you taste good. Brush your teeth. Brush that tongue. Mouthwash and mints. Good oral hygiene and visits to the dentist. Take care of your teeth.


Less is always more. Its sexy to lightly run your tongue on her lip, during quick kisses.. its sexy.. and kinda teases her...


French kissing is more than just putting your tongue in someones mouth. I like running my tongue along side his tongue.. and seeing if I can tickle the underside of his tongue.. during the dance.. very very sensitive.


Again.. alternate.. between tongue dancing and lips... nibble on those lips gently.. I use a bit of teeth on my lovers lip..but I can.. we've been kissing for a while.. and its just to tease him.. and omg.. I just love it and I think he does... lol.. he responds.


your GF is more experienced.. no worries.. let her lead for a bit.. all of us are inexperienced with a new partner. Its like re-learning all over again.


Take your time.. no rushing... kissng.. and kissing well.. takes time.. sensual kissess should be slow.. and easy... at least at first at the stage you are at....


don't worry yourself too much.. confidence.. just be confident...

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Best advice: don't follow advice.


In the heat of the moment, your not really going to be thinking about detailed guides on how to french kiss. I admire the way some people can be so descriptive and paint a picture. But when it comes down to it, you just act instinctually. Besides the basics of don't force your toungue down her throat or slober all over her, you kind of just know what to do.

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