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Problem "down there" can't stop getting wet! HELP

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my girlfriend is having a problem where she can't stop herself from getting "wet" "down there" even when she is not turned on(sleeping,doing work, etc.) and she is not thinking about anything that would turn her on unless doing hw turns her on@_@".This has been happening for 4 dayz now. The only thing that could most likly be the problem is that i figered her in the swimming pool, and maybe some chorine got inside of her and is irritating it. Please give some help on waht is going on



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I agree with CatLover the amount of fluid that is secreted depends on the time of month. It's causes by horomones. Sometimes going on the pill increases the amount and other hormonal factors but I've never heard of chlorine effecting it. It's likely she jsut never paid attention to the amount before. If she is for some reason very sensitive to chlorine the problem would probably have other symptoms (i.e. feeling irritated). It would also probably go away after she took a bath. I'm also guessing your girlfriend is young so the amoutn of fluid a woman excretes changes as she develops.


I would only say that the fluid would be a cause for concern if it has changed in color or smell. If there are no other symptoms such as irritation, pain, color change, or change in odor I would not say it is likely to be a big problem. If you are still concerned it never hurts to get checked out at a health clinic.

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Unless there is a foul odor or very strange consistency (very thick, white, clumpy, or even yellow/greenish) she is having regular discharge. Through a woman's cycle, her discharge will vary from very light, to heavy, to having a consistency of egg whites, to clear. Sometimes you feel it or notice it more than other times.


It's quite natural though unless as indicated in my first paragraph it has a very bad smell or strange inconsistency.




If she is still concerned, she can contact her doctor.

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yeah, she looks like me. When i made a new boyfriend, i would be wet as often and many as her. I think just because sex do not enough yet. Take a week just for sex from day and night. 7-8times or more day. Maybe fine and back to normal.

After all it works on me. Then take a rest for several days to cover the energy.

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