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Best methods to attract girls?


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Well in a nut shell I was just wondering what the best method is to attract 16 year old girls?


Lately I have been having some serious problems attracting girls, not entirely sure why. I do not really mind being single but I do want to go out with someone who is interesting, funny and attractive just like any other guy. Yet I haven't been meeting the right type of girls whom I am attracted to.


So just wondering what techniques would you folks consider best? Thanks in advance!

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Aye that is all well and good but to be honest I am not exactly that confidant to go up and randonly start talking to to some girls in a mall.


I usually rely on my personality when I am with or around people that I know well to try and attract girls who I do not know so well to come and have a chat with me. All the girls who I am friends with ar enot really my type so i'm not really interested in any of them.

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When the time come, it will come ...


It's a damn annoying truth, but that's really the way it is. You also got to realize that mutual attraction is a tricky thing. It's complicated for everyone, no matter what facade they put up. Mutual attraction is a special thing and as such difficult.


Yet I haven't been meeting the right type of girls whom I am attracted to.


You will dude. Trust me on this one. You don't even have to search them out per se, rather keep your eyes open for them.



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Well, it helps to be an outgoing comfortable person and is laid-back isn't very serious about everything, I'm not saying be like don't care about life in general because that's stupid. You just have to be cool and calm like Pink Floyd's music . Kinda get what I'm saying there?


It helps to have a sense of humor girls love a funny guy. Umm dress good, don't dress like a bum, don't dress like a nerd which means no Nike running shoes some random pants you'd buy at a thrift store and some raggy old T-shirt. Obviously have good hygiene if you don't already.


Be optimistic, no one wants to hook up with someone that's negative all the time.

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You attract people when you aren't trying to attract people. You attract them when you are being your best, most authentic self. It isn't about what you can do to attract others, its all in how you feel about yourself. Feel good, focus on being the best you that you can be, and something will happen when the time is right.

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I thought I'd share this. I'm new to the boards.


I'm 19 and I've had a few one-date guys who completely bombed the First Date: 101 class...


So when I met my current boyfriend (almost 4 months, YAY!), I was sure he didn't really like me. But he was sure to let me know that he liked my personality, he loved my laugh, he liked how "cute" I was when I talked about stuff. He made sure I knew that he noticed everything about me EXCEPT my looks. He slowly worked in what he liked about that, but he didn't make it the whole story. He paid attention to what I said, gave me time to take things as slowly or as quickly as I wanted, and was always honest.


I had completely given up on finding someone who would like me. I don't party, I am overweight, I don't "primp," I'm not loud, I won't do "stuff" until I'm married, etc. I'm the classic prude. But he sees past all of that. And now I'm a little less "stuffy" hehe, sorry for the terminology, I've got no brainpower right now.


I guess what I'm trying to say is, to attract girls, don't just see the hott ones, don't just see the popular ones, look past the stereotypes on the quieter ones, or the ones you never even thought of talking to. You might find her where you never thought she'd be.

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I guess what I'm trying to say is, to attract girls, don't just see the hott ones, don't just see the popular ones, look past the stereotypes on the quieter ones, or the ones you never even thought of talking to. You might find her where you never thought she'd be.


Shhh. Your not suppose to let all guys in on that secret. Now the quiet girls are going to be mobbed by guys and us quiet, nice gentleman are going to have to fight to get with the best girls. You just made it harder on us.


Seriously, I agree with everything you said. Girls like you are the best girls of all and guys should start seeing that more.

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