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advise for all the adults from a teen


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OK, so here it is to all the adults. Sorry to tell you this, but teens have sex, and now younger than ever. I know there are those who know this, but then again... OK, so when your people come on these forums and ask for advise then just give them to them. Its ok if you advise them as an adult does, but you are in no possition to stop them. I know i have received some good help here, but everyone deserves the same respect. Some young people that just cant talk to their parents come to forums like these to have their questions answered, and not to be lectured. Thanks.

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But they also must be aware of the risks that they're potentially puting themselves under.


How would you like to be a daddy in your teens because you thought it was 'mature' of you to engage in sexual intercourse?


Could you support a child?

I don't think so.


Possibilities of STDs - How would you like to contact herpes, HIV etc etc, in your teens? Just think, if you caught AIDS, you've just put yourself through an unimaginable life of suffering and regret because you just couldn't wait.


So - while I, and whoever else agrees with me, will give advice to anyone; at any age. They will hear what the risks are and what they could be letting themselves in for.

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But they also must be aware of the risks that they're potentially puting themselves under.


How would you like to be a daddy in your teens because you thought it was 'mature' of you to engage in sexual intercourse?


Could you support a child?

I don't think so.


Possibilities of STDs - How would you like to contact herpes, HIV etc etc, in your teens? Just think, if you caught AIDS, you've just put yourself through an unimaginable life of suffering and regret because you just couldn't wait.


So - while I, and whoever else agrees with me, will give advice to anyone; at any age. They will hear what the risks are and what they could be letting themselves in for.

uh i did say its ok to tell them the warnings. well i said its ok to give advise as an adult would, but thats what i meant. But people need to realise that accepting it is better, because young people fear telling bacause they know exactly what adults will say. And obviously adults will respond to that like "then why even bother asking?" well, because obviously teens feel there is no stopping them, lol.
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Well as an adult who has lived through some mistakes created by having sex before I was really ready for the consequences of that interaction. The advice I give comes from the fact sex isn't just for fun, there are rammifications of that action. So if you are going to do the deed even with protection your fun could end much sooner than you had planned.


Also not all children are healthy mentally, physically, etc. This is what adults know and are trying to protect you teens from. But as a teen you think you're invincible, and it won't happen to you. But when it does happen you'll see those around you were only trying to protect you from making a mistake much like we may have done at your age.


Life is meant to be lived so if having sex is what you want to do, then go ahead. But realize that every action has a consequence and you aren't always aware of that consequence until much later.

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oy, im not here to argue my friend, i was just voicing my opinion. Now i know there are laws, but laws dont stop anything ok. The are rules, but every single rule in the world is broken, every single one. So who is to stop those rules from being broken? This is exactly why i made this post. just because i know that there are those that deny that teens are doing this. Sure it is illegal, but we dont are, lol. The only ones that can stop this is ourselves, so give the proper advise if you will, im not telling you to tell a 13 year old how to give a BJ. But dont judge. Its the way life wrks. Nature meant for TEENS to be the main reproductive people, thats why we are more fertile and our sperm is more effective.

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There are no precautions a teen can take that will be 100% effective.

There is always a chance of pregnancy.


And that's the physical aspects.

Try explaining to a girl that is infatuated with the person she had sex with; that he used her and is now just another notch on his belt...

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oy, im not here to argue my friend, i was just voicing my opinion.

If you are voicing adult concerns; then be treated like an adult.

It's on the forum and I'm expressing my opinions, too.


Now i know there are laws, but laws dont stop anything ok.

They don't stop anything, hu?

I'm going to go and murder my neighbour then - they've been making a lot of noise recently...


The are rules, but every single rule in the world is broken, every single one. So who is to stop those rules from being broken?

Your 'maturity'/'mentality', of course you can break laws - but remember that they are there for a reason; protection.


This is exactly why i made this post. just because i know that there are those that deny that teens are doing this.

I'm very aware that some teens have sex... I'd be blind not to notice.


Sure it is illegal, but we dont care, lol. The only ones that can stop this is ourselves, so give the proper advise if you will, im not telling you to tell a 13 year old how to give a BJ. But dont judge. Its the way life wrks.

I never judge - I give facts to allow the poster to make an informed decision.


Nature meant for TEENS to be the main reproductive people, thats why we are more fertile and our sperm is more effective.




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There are no precautions a teen can take that will be 100% effective.

There is always a chance of pregnancy.


And that's the physical aspects.

Try explaining to a girl that is infatuated with the person she had sex with; that he used her and is now just another notch on his belt...

I never saud anything about protection. I am really smart so if you are going to effectively aregue me, then you are going to knock down my argument, not just point things out. lol. I know that sounds arrogant, but you do know me so i should tell you already. All i want is for adults to accept reallity. And give worthwile advice, so i decided to begin spreading my message in a place designed to give advise. I really like these forums, so its not an attack on people, just my voice.
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There are no precautions a teen can take that will be 100% effective.

There is always a chance of pregnancy.


And that's the physical aspects.

Try explaining to a girl that is infatuated with the person she had sex with; that he used her and is now just another notch on his belt...

I never saud anything about protection. I am really smart
And modest
so if you are going to effectively aregue me, then you are going to knock down my argument, not just point things out. lol. I know that sounds arrogant, but you do know me so i should tell you already. All i want is for adults to accept reallity. And give worthwile advice, so i decided to begin spreading my message in a place designed to give advise. I really like these forums, so its not an attack on people, just my voice.


I never said it was an attack.


I'm also debating points and won't limit myself to what you say.

I do give worthwile advice, it can be the difference between a young mother or a happy teenager.


Adults do accept reality - the reality is that some teens don't realise what they are doing and the consequences of their foolish actions.

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ok, first i even said i sounded arrogant, so dont throw that in my face. and second, i am not justifying anything. I never said that it was right for teens to do it, i was just telling adults that they need to accept reality and give real advice, not just a giant, ITS ILLEGAL AND NO. Its ok for you to voice your opinion on such a metter, but dont call it your opinion when you are clearly attacking mine.

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If a person isn't ready to be responsible for their action, they shouldnt do it.

Precisely SkyFire,

Sex is about producing children. If you don't want to take on the responsibilities of parenthood - don't engage in actions which could lead to it.


I think that's rather simple logic.

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ok, first i even said i sounded arrogant, so dont throw that in my face. and second, i am not justifying anything. I never said that it was right for teens to do it, i was just telling adults that they need to accept reality and give real advice, not just a giant, ITS ILLEGAL AND NO. Its ok for you to voice your opinion on such a metter, but dont call it your opinion when you are clearly attacking mine.


Where am I 'clearly attacking your opinion'?


I don't give responses complied of:



I give advice on potential outcomes and offer perspective.

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ok, first i even said i sounded arrogant, so dont throw that in my face. and second, i am not justifying anything. I never said that it was right for teens to do it, i was just telling adults that they need to accept reality and give real advice, not just a giant, ITS ILLEGAL AND NO. Its ok for you to voice your opinion on such a metter, but dont call it your opinion when you are clearly attacking mine.


Where am I 'clearly attacking your opinion'?


I don't give responses complied of:



I give advice on potential outcomes and offer perspective.

i never said you gave advice like that, i never said anything about that. Now you know you started to write here to attack my opinion, it is clear. If you really wanted to simply voice your opinion then you would have said things like skyfire did. Thats skyfires opinion. Im done arguing, my opinion is out.
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Before I'm misinterpreted for being disrespectful - No, I had no intentions of attacking your opinion. But I feel that it's essential for a teenager to hold all of the facts before such an act. And that is my opinion.

It may be in contradiction with yours - but that wasn't my intention.

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Before I'm misinterpreted for being disrespectful - No, I had no intentions of attacking your opinion. But I feel that it's essential for a teenager to hold all of the facts before such an act. And that is my opinion.

It may be in contradiction with yours - but that wasn't my intention.

OK, i appreciate that. I actually do agree, people need to know the consequences. but at the risk of being redundant, i just wanted to voice my opinion of reality. Sorry if i offended anyone.
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I agree totally that teens having sex is not right, but they came to this forum cause they need advice, I mean if they are eager to have sex they will do it anyway, they don't care if you say that "they are too young" "it;s illegal" or so on.. but can someone tell me this? I mean I don't want to offend anyone but WHY do you teens want to have sex so early? Is there a reason for that? I'm 25 and at 13 I never even thought about sex. Why is this world turining up side down basically I want to know the need of you teens having sex. I mean this is really conserning me, I mean back when I look at it, we didnt have sex so early and now ppl are doing at 13.. imagine in 10 years what will happen


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Whats really sad is the result..........innocent children bought into the world that some teenager cannot afford (mentally or financially, your choice) to take care of. But hey, its all fun right?


And even though it may be your decision, sometimes Joe Taxpayer has to pay for it.

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