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there is hope

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1st off you may search for my old posts to get a better picture what i wet through.


I justed wanted to come back here and thank everyon beacuse this website has helped me so much. I'm happy to say im extremely happy with my life at this point and happy to still be with this "new girl" lol although its been 1 1/2 years. I still have contact with my ex but im completely healed and have moved on. My life is great right now and im enjoying. I have learened a lot, including.


1. Things do really happen for a reason, sometimes its revealved to you after a long time of pain.


2. when things dont work out after trying and trying again just let it go.


3. you will find someone BETTER, this is so true.


4. keep your head up and be positive and use your life experience for future situations.


5. dont hate your ex and dont consume yourself with hate.



You will get over it and things will fall into place at which point you will kick yourself in the a** for the things you did to "make it work".


Hope this helps someone, peace

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