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Anger issues. Realized something, but not sure why.

Sam _

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When I was in middle school, I had extremely bad anger and rage problems. Anyone who even spoke to me would get attacked (physically or verbally) except Yuki. Yuki is my best friend and for some reason she was always able to calm me down just by being around me. She was the only person I was calm around. Can you guys help explain the reason for this for me?


Why was it that I was always so calm around Yuki, but so full of rage around everyone else? And how was she able to calm me down when she had no knowledge of my rage problems at the time?

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You have feelings for her. That generally explains why she's able to calm you down.


You'll listen to her and don't have the heart to lash out at her.


This was before I developed feelings for her. Unless I had feelings for Yuki and didn't notice until last year.


Stupid question, but I think it's worth asking on account I am not too sure . Is it possible to develop feelings for someone and not notice for a very long time?

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Before you noticed you had feelings for her, had you ever seen her differently from everyone else?


Did she ever seem more special than other friends?


No. She was the only friend I had that didn't ditch me because of my rage issues. Yuki was the only one of my friends that I couldn't get angry around. Yuki was the only friend I had that didn't ditch me because of my rage. I would yell at my friends, but then I met Yuki and she was able to calm me down since we first met. My friends eventually started to hate me, my anger, and Yuki after a few months. So, she was considered special after my other friends ditched me. But before they ditched me, no.

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Maybe she just has a calming nature. Some people can talk to people in a way that is calming to the recipient.


Then, you started to question your relationship with her because of what she done for you. She stuck by you when no one else would; and suffered the consequences for it.


How's it going between you now?

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Maybe she just has a calming nature. Some people can talk to people in a way that is calming to the recipient.


Then, you started to question your relationship with her because of what she done for you. She stuck by you when no one else would; and suffered the consequences for it.


How's it going between you now?


Well, we are very good friends. Very close in some areas. I told her that I like her near the end of the previous school year. Since then she has been more talkative with me. We talked a lot before the previous school year. My rage somehow dropped me into a severely deep depression and I also started to fall in love with her. I felt distanced from her and felt too nervous to talk to her (kind of a strange combination, huh). So all last school year we basically hung around eachother, but hardly had any talking. Since I told her how I felt last year, she has been more talkative with me. And a lot more smiley with me (she smiles at me more often than she used to). I'm not too sure why she is more talkative and more smiley with me now.


But, I decided that it might be best to stay friends. Because I don't really think she would date me. She really isn't the dating type (she doesn't really like to be in a relationship).

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She could be interested in you; you don't know.

Do you want to date her?


Yes, I do. But I am not too sure if I want to risk our friendship if she isn't interested. Would it risk our friendship if she isn't interested?

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"The friendship which is real; can never cease"

- S. Jerome.


I think, if she's doing all this for you and still being friends with you after you telling her your feelings for her. You're in with a fighting chance.


Have you tried to flirt with her?

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"The friendship which is real; can never cease"

- S. Jerome.


I think, if she's doing all this for you and still being friends with you after you telling her your feelings for her. You're in with a fighting chance.


Have you tried to flirt with her?


Well, I don't know how to flirt. I don't know anything about flirting really . Can you tell me how to?


Really, I think she probably figured out that I liked her before I told her. I always complement her on just about anything.

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Play with her hair - if she pulls away; Stop!

If she doesn't - it means she doesn't mind.


Also, build up your own confidence!

This girl is potentially interested in you.


Do things that tease her.


When you are happy enough that you think she may be interested in you - arrange a day when it's just the two of you and get a quiet, secluded place to talk.

Be comfortable around her and listen intently to what she has to say - like she's the only one in the world.

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Play with her hair - if she pulls away; Stop!

If she doesn't - it means she doesn't mind.


Also, build up your own confidence!

This girl is potentially interested in you.


Do things that tease her.


When you are happy enough that you think she may be interested in you - arrange a day when it's just the two of you and get a quiet, secluded place to talk.

Be comfortable around her and listen intently to what she has to say - like she's the only one in the world.


Well, I don't think she likes it when people play with her hair.


What would be some things I could do to tease her?


She says she is asexual to our friends, but she didn't mention that she was asexual to all to me. Not even when I admitted that I liked her.


We hang out whenever we can. We don't hang out outside of school a whole lot because she doesn't want her parents to find out about me. When I asked her for her phone number, she gave me her email address. She is going all out to keep her parents from finding out about me. She told me her parents are very mean to guys she hangs out with, but I am the only guy that she hangs out with that her parents don't know about.

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So she's protecting you.


Teasing her - link removed

Play around with her - make jokes, if you're sarcastic; it'll come naturally.


Well, why is she protecting me? Because her parents have met all of her guy friends except me. We've been friends for 4 years (going on 5 ^_^ ).


haha, she's the sarcastic one. I'm not good at making jokes. Today she wore a shirt that said 'I eat babies' (don't ask ). What would be a way I could joke about that?


I read the site, it helps and it kind of doesn't. I'm still unsure on what to say. Would you give me some examples on teasing her?

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She's protecting you because you're different from her other guy friends.

Possibly - she thinks of you differently.


'I eat babies' - If she's thin; you could have patted her on the stomach and said "you'd never know".


Teasing her could be anything in many situations.

If she jokingly hits/touches you, you say:

"Can't keep your hands off me, can you?" etc.

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