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I like my guy friend!


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Yeah, the headline says it. ... I'm starting to like one of my guy friends. I know it's a bad idea. I don't know what to do because he has a girlfriend. I don't want to keep on liking him because it wouldn't be healthy for our relationship, but I can't help but feel attracted towards him. I'm getting jealous of the attention that he gives her.


Please help, I don't know what I should do.

Should I spend less time with him and try to find another guy?

Telling him about my feelings would proably hurt our relationship or make it weird.



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You need to find someone else to give attention to because you don't want to jeopardize his relationship and your friendship.


I was once interested in my best guy friend, when I was single and I thought I was really into him. I could tell he was attracted to me and one day, after weeks of sexual tension we fooled around. I thought I liked him but I realized then I was just lonely and I ruined our friendship completely. Maybe an extreme example, but do you actually like him or does he just portray the qualities you admire in a partner?

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For once, Star Trek has something useful on the subject.


Once you've successfully acknowledged the fact that you're attracted to him, you've got the ability to do something about it. If you don't want to get involved with him and ruin his current relationship, then be extra careful not to. Maybe make an effort to spend a bit less time with him and a bit more with other friends, or making extra sure you're not making advances, acting jealous towards his gf, and making sure you two never wind up alone until the crisis is over. Even if that's as innocent as dropping him off at home after you and your friends went out for a movie!

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