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this may sound like a dumb question but my boyfriend and i have decided we are ready to have sex (we are both virgins) but the only thing is, we have never done anything like oral sex or anything.. is that weird or normal? do you need to do oral before having sex? is this is just in my head that everyone does oral all the time? do normal people give blow jobs all the time? or am i just brainwashed by things like sex and the city and such? i dont know.. ive just only ever done it twice in my life many years ago and i just dont like it very much and dont know what im doing all.. anyway, any advice about this (plus anyones stories about first times..) would be great. thanks!

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blowjobs aren't necessary, its just sorta the order of things everyone gets into during the highschool years, first you kiss, then feel up your girlfriend, then under the shirt, then she touches you, then you finger her, then she gives oral, then you give oral, then sex...like it doesnt happen that way every time lmao its just thats the progression through the years.


Um, first time is gunna be nerve racking (my girlfriend went dry the first time we tried) just take deep breaths and relax, if you start to get too nervous don't force it, just back off and try again another day, itll save alot of embarrassment for the both of you if things go wrong. Take it slow and have some fun.

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Oral sex isn't something that you can just do and enjoy. In my experience, it can enhance sex, especially if you talk about what you are doing. As you become more comfortable with your partner's body, and sex iteself, you will naturally begin to explore different ways of arousing each other.


The first time i tried oral sex on a girl I didn't particularly enjoy (I don't think she did either) but this was mainly due to me not knowing what I was doing. As time went by, we tried again but in a much more relaxed way and discovered exactly how to push each other's buttons.


I personally feel that oral sex is a great way of being intimate with your partner, but I have been with women who don't like it and one of my male friends really doesn't like it either.


As melrich mentioned earlier - don't feel you have to do anything you don't want to do.

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If your asking a question like that - "do we NEED to have oral sex first"... then it sounds like ur not very mature or know what ur doing and wouldnt be having sex for the right reason..


Sounds like you are having sex coz u feel like you NEED to just like u think u NEED to have oral sex before accual sex.

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first you kiss, then feel up your girlfriend, then under the shirt, then she touches you, then you finger her, then she gives oral, then you give oral, then sex...like it doesnt happen that way every time lmao its just thats the progression through the years.


Dude! I went WAY out of order! LOL

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