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Just asked this girl out...

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Ok, just asked this girl out, but she lives like an 45 mins - 1 hour away.


Now, I told her I'll be driving down there because I don't want her to have to drive all that way (was that stupid of me to say? this is really the first time I've actually asked a girl on a date). I also told her to pick a place to go because I have no idea what the city she lives in is like (was that stupid of me to say? again, this a first for me).


What would be some suggestions for this first date? She's a year younger and a grade lower than me if that has anything to do with it. I mean, this is probably not her first REAL date, but she is very sweet and I want to impress her.


Thanks in advance.

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Hello Godsmack,


Thank you for your update here. I am pleased to read that you had the gutts to ask this girl out. Way to go and good job! If you feel a little uncertain over what to do or what the possibilities in her city, I would recommend you to use a search engine like yahoo. link removed will at least provide you with the right driving directions.


You'd like to impress here? I would say: "Just be yourself." Being yourself during a date is somewhat being underrated unfortunately, although that gives you the best chances on really getting together. Smile a lot and talk with your girl. That's why I would like going out bowling. It's a great activity to combine action with time to talk.


I hope that this helped you on your way and wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Yeah man you scored! Tell you what, you're damn lucky you have a car! I was seeing a girl a few months away who lived 50km away but I was also blessed with a car and it was a nice 45 minute drive at an average 120km/h. The distance doesn't matter when you've been waiting to see her all week

Like Swinger said, be yourself! Trying to impress sucks a$$ and they'll see right through it. Show her the best you've got just being you.

And don't try any sleezy moves like pulling over in an abandoned parking lot and going in for the big one

Go for it mate, your tha man!

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