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We're up and down - I'm going insane.

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I have this "relationship" with this guy I met at work. We started hanging out months ago and began dating. After a month, he suddenly broke it off by saying "I don't think I'm gonna have time for you and give you what you need. I am too busy....etc." So, regardless of that, we still spent time together and slept together. Only problem is that we hung out once a week when we saw each other at work and he NEVER called me otherwise.


I got back from a trip about two weeks ago, and he picked me up and dropped me off at the airport. When I got back he was acting like a boyfriend to me when we were out, but still wouldn't call me during the week. We just got back from Vegas yesterday (a two day trip we took together - he came with me for an audition cuz I asked him to.) The WHOLE time in Vegas he was paying for me, taking me out, we kissed in public, held hands in public. We were acting like a couple and people we talked to, thought so as well.


Here's the problem - I like him, he knows I like him. I don't know what he wants. His life is so jam packed right now that he can't even call me once. Should I back away when I do see him (seeing as how he told me that the reason he liked his ex g/f at first was cuz she wouldn't go out with him and "rejected" him - he said he can't let a girl go until she goes out with him.)


HELP - I'm stuck and need some advice as to what I should do. Maybe I'll just wait and see what he does from now on after the whole Vegas trip.

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Well, I don't know the guy, but I do sympathsize with his need for space during the week...


It is possible that he considers the week days work days, and just wants to focus on his career, household chores, things like that. I think it is normal for guys to feel this way in the beginning of a relationship. As the relationship gets more serious, those days will begin to open up as well.


Just my thoughts.

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Hi there,


If he cared, he will make the time to call you. Don't fall for "I'm too busy" trap. But he's not too busy to sleep with you and go on extended weekend trips with you. He wants to reap the benefits of having a girlfriend without the whole-hearted committment. That's total BS. I can tell you are not cool with it otherwise you would be posting this here. I would lay low with this guy and get to know other guys and hopefully you will end up with someone who has the time to call you and consider you a priority. Good luck and take care.

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