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Help, I don't understand

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A week ago, I was in (or at least I thought I was) a good relationship. Me and my boyfriend spent as much time together as we could, we told each other that we loved each other, all the normal things partners do.


But today, he sent me an email saying he doesn't want to be with me anymore. It came out of the blue, and I am absolutely devastated. This guy was my true love. He made me so happy, and I just don't understand where all this has come from.


He basically said that he can't do this anymore, can't be in a relationship with me, and told me to accept it and move on with my life. I tried to get him to explain why he felt like this, but he won't give me an answer.


I feel so upset. I know that deep down, he loves me as much as I love him. I just don't get why he's saying that he doesn't want to be with me anymore. He said he won't even answer my calls anymore. What can I do?


I can't, and won't, accept that this is over until I know exactly why. But he just won't answer me. I don't want to move on. I want to be with him.

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Has anything happened in his life recently that he is having a hard time dealing with?


Did you have an argument that you thought was trivial but he did not?


Has anything happened in your life recently that he cannot deal with?

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Very cowardly way of letting someone down...A trend becoming more and more comon these days.... let's use the email to break up, or a text message... the fact is that he did not have the respect, to sit down with you, and give you a reason why he wanted to part ways, face to face..


You probally will never get a reason.

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I have seen this happen before with a few of my friends and it turns out their ex's met someone else. I am afraid that may the reason why your man was so callous and abrupt with the break-up. What a coward, couldn't even tell it to your face! Regardless of the reason, IMO you are so much better off without him. Hugs to you and take care.

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I sent him a long email last night (since he won't answer his phone) but I don't know if I should have. In it I said how much I loved him, and that whatever the problem was, we could work it out. Then I babbled on for ages about how I don't want to be without him and that he should just tell me how he feels.


And I didn't get a wink of sleep last night for thinking about him, and ashamed as I am of it, I had a few drinks aswell.

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One word I can think of for your ex: coward. Anyone who would break up by email or text message is just that, a coward. The age of technology and the internet has certainly changed the dynamic of how we humans interact with each other - and not necessarily in a good way either.


Sorry for what you are going through right now. Hang in there! We'll get through these tough times together.




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