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Girlfriend has never had orgasm

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I'm 19 and I've been seeing my 18 year old girlfriend for 6 months now. We just recently started pleasuring each other with our hands when one night she revealed to me that she has never in her life been able to have an orgasm. This shocked me, and she doesn't want me constantly thinking about it and doesn't want it to be a big deal. But if we're going to keep getting more intimate, how am I not supposed to be bothered? How am I supposed to go on knowing that she isn't really having any fun? I try to give her support as best I can, I love her, but I really don't know what to do if this remains an ongoing problem. We love each other and the last thing we want is something to pull us apart.

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How am I supposed to go on knowing that she isn't really having any fun?


Eh, that's not really the case, is it? I mean, you don't actually have to have an orgasm to have a lot of fun sexually. Most men think in that goal-oriented way, because orgasms are so easily reached for men through regular sex, but it's really not the case that you need to orgasm in order to have fun sexually. I would discuss it more with her, but most importantly try to please her sexually and make sure she is having fun, as she wants to have fun ... if she is having fun without an orgasm, why would you make an issue of that?

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The more you both worry about it and think about it (especially during sex) the worse it is going to be because of the pressure you are both putting on yourselves... Make love, enjoy each other... If it happens, it happens, if not, then just enjoy it....


Have you tried various positions, taking things slow (or fast?)?

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