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Can anyone make sence of this?

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I was dating this girl on and off mostly on for almost a year. We have had our ups and downs. She had a hard time telling me she loved me because she felt if she did She'd disappoint me in some way. She loves me alot, but still has this other guy 3,000 miles away that she still has a part of her that she loves. Told me give her a month to figure things out. Then I was like ok take that month and really think about it. She said she would get rid of my number and his, but herd though the grape vine shes going to see him for a weekend. I can only think of 2 things 1 she's going to see him and see if she's really in love with him. OR 2 She's going there to say goodbye forever. She's the kind of person to tell it to their face regardless of distance. Seriously can anyone make sense of this?? Why would someone need a month to see if she really loved me or him? Wouldn't the answer be right in front of her?? She tells me she really loves me but is this a sign?? Like should I wait this out and hope for the best or am I wasting my time? PLEASE HELP ME anyone!!!!

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She didn't want a committment at that time. She wanted to be able to get to know you while she had some contact with this other dude without the guilt. It has nothing to do with her having a month to "figure things" out. It got her off the hook at that time. But in the meantime, she is not obligated to let you know what she is doing in her life while not having a decisive committment to you. I guess my advice to you is to lay low with this young lady and keep your options open with others. She did, why not you? Wishing you the best and take care.

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The only thing I could think of is her going there to see this guy could mean a couple of things, but I can only think that she's going there to have some kind of closer from him. She could be thinking their might be something still there, but then realize that it wasn't what it was cracked up to be. She's the kind of person to have to say it to someone's face, but why would she make an effort to just go there to say goodbye to a person?? I mean Maybe this is closer for her, but I can't say for sure cause I dont' know what she is thinking and I'm not going to try to dwell on it what do you guys think. I love her completely I never had feelings for someone so strong before and this is why it's so hard for me to just not say see ya have a good life. What do you think????

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It's hard because you love her and it hurts like hell when your feelings are not reciprocated. But ask yourself, do you honestly want to be with some one who is "wishy washy", dangles carrots in front of you, and leaves you walking on eggshells... or... do you want a girl who is real, straight with you, knows what she wants, and shows that she cares? It's up to you. Either way, I hope everything works out for you.

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Who knows how she feels about the other guy, but one thing is for sure, she don't care about you.


Give me a month to think thigs through? *beep*


This girl is not serious relationship material. Start talking to other girls right away.


This advice is right on the money.


Dude, no matter what she went out there for, you know she is probably going to sleep with this other guy. Closure my a**. Even if she was the kind of person that would stupidly and dramatically waste that kind of time and money to "get closure" you would be better off without a drama queen of that magnitude.


The woman that you are meant to be with will KNOW you are the one. If she loved you, she wouldn't have thrown away your number and gone to see another dude. End of story.

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