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for the ladies...your first time

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Well, I'm not a woman, but I have slept with a virgin. It will probably hurt some, if you hymen is not broken. It very well might be, as lots of things can result in it breaking. And you are unlikely to orgams, as it is both of your first times. However, it will probably get better, especially if you both to make it good and please each other.

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Take plenty of time and I mean at least an hour of kissing, touching and masturbating each other before you work up to full sex. You'll know when because the fear will be gone and you will feel comforatable with each other and 'ready'. Take your time and get turned on first and it wont hurt at all.

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Take plenty of time and I mean at least an hour of kissing, touching and masturbating each other before you work up to full sex. You'll know when because the fear will be gone and you will feel comforatable with each other and 'ready'. Take your time and get turned on first and it wont hurt at all.


Agreed... Definitely get comfortable with him first

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I don't think it's fair to say it's going to hurt, it does for some people, and not for others. It did not hurt me. It was a new sensation, but not unpleasant. It was nice.

How well you know your body is a big factor in how your first sexual experience goes. If you masturbate and know what works for you and where all of the vital parts are, you are ahead of the game. If you are totally naive, it will take plenty of time and practice (and practice is FUN!). Sex is a wonderful thing, especially with someone you love.

My first experience happened way too early, and I didn't know myself at all. I had never had an orgasm, so I didn't really know what to expect. Neither of us actually knew the mechanics of it, and had to try a few times because we couldn't figure out what fit where.

The key is to relax and not get anxious about it. I hope you are looking forward to it! Have a wonderful wedding day.

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I am also engaged. But I wanted to congratulate you first. I recently had sex for the first time with my fiance. I was highly surprised that it didn't hurt me at all. And amazingly enough, we both orgasmed at the same time. Which I am sure is really rare. But he was very sweet and took it slow. Just relax and enjoy that you found someone to love.

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fisrt of all, congrats on ure upcoming weeding!


but for the sex part as some of the women say, it does not hurt...well it depens on evryone, but the younger u are the more its likely to hurt....actually my 1st time, it hurted so much i coudnt even continu till it actually went in...

but as 4 msmaya21, it is possible u can orgasm the 1st time but chances arent very high...

well wat makes sex good is geting aroused 1st by most of the time oral than actually having sex, but make sure to tell ure husband to go very slowly....although finding ure specifics way to orgasm takes time, cuz u need to try diferent things which will get u rly excited....


Good Luck..

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How much its going to hurt will depend on your lifestyle and everything; do you wear tampons, do alot of physical activity, will you have alot of foreplay before it, etc?


Being unathletic (fast metabolism and just general laziness and seeing as I dont masturbate/shove anything else up there (no tampons for me) my first time hurt like a b!atch. Like he was trying to shove something up against a wall and it just wasn't able to go any further but he just kept pushing and it hurt like hell Even with like, an hour or so of foreplay and i'd already orgasmed twice. Walking felt weird the next day, sort of had this throbbing feeling down there and when i went to the loo afterwards there was a bit of blood, which scared me (I have no idea what i was expecting, just.. not that


My friend; didn't hurt her at all. Then again, she's never worn a pad in her life i don't think, does alot of horseback riding and soccer and as for the whole masturbating thing i dont really wanna know lol, but yeah. Congrats on your marriage too, btw!

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My first hurt but not dramatically, wasnt so bad to make me want to stop. Everyone says the first is the worst but for me funnily enough it was up there with the best sex Ive ever had! Maybe cos it's a big novelty, a completely new experience. The worst thing was the blood. All Ill say is that there was ALOT of it, and I'd used tampons before so be prepared. But believe me, it should be really amazing because ur in love and u care for and respect eachother. Thats what makes sex great!

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