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very confused and in need of help.

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ok, this might be a bit long but bear with me....


right well i have these two friends that got together lets call them mike and sarah, just before their 3 month aniversary of their relationship mike broke it off with sarah because he was going away to college in a town which is about 20 mins drive away.


i then spent the next few weeks comforting sarah while mike went off flirting with people and seemingly ignoring the fact that he ever had a relationship with sarah. however just before these two got together i realised that i liked sarah as more than a friend. so i had to go an sit painfully watching this happy couple going about their business.


Now i really dont know what to do about me liking sarah, she's one of my best friends, and we get on amazingly well, i have risked friendships by telling people my feelings before and it didnt pay off, but after an awkward few weeks it seemed like nothing happened.


what sohould i do? do i wait a bit longer before i tell sarah how i feel? or do i tell her now? and also what's the best way to go about this? please help thanks in advance....noodles

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Well how is Sarah taking the breakup now? If she is still depressed, I would hold back cause most likely she will be vulnerable and wouldn't want to get with anyone right now. Start to build up the friendship slowly coming off as the supporter like you have been, and then see what happens from there. If she sees how caring and supportive you are for her, she might start feeling the same for you, but right now just focus on being her friend, and helping her get through this.

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I agree with dreamsite, keep being there for her, the rock and supporter when she needs it. I can't say for sure, because I don't know what she's like, but she might want a little space as well, to figure things out in her head and heart. Just take it slow.

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