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She said,"whats wrong with u",shes a close frnd

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alrite...my story continues..and again if u read my previous post u ill no that there is this good frnd of mine from school whu i met after 2 years now..

we went for movies and dinner...finally told her i have started liking her today..and she said,"whats wrong with u??"..and then continued text messagin me and replying to my messages...before telling her i like her..i was just giving her some hints...finally she convinced me some how to tell her wat i really meant..so i told her i like her...after this she asked me to make her believe this..to make her believe i like her..i proved it to her that i really like her...and it has been weird after that..she dsnt seem like she wants to talk abt it..cuz she continues messaging abt things we usually talk abt..yeah there is a change in thw way she is talking now..she uses words like sweetheart, and baby...or somethings like this which she never used before...u think i shld ask her again or remind her abt wat i asked her abt me liking her..or u think she just wants to be friends and is trying to act as if i never told her i like her more than a frnd??i started this in a new topic cuz this is something different from the previous topic..and yes i really need some advice...and yeah not only some advice..i need a good advice that will really help...i think i like her a lot..

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she used to do that before i told her i like her...isint that confusing?...can u please tell me how i can find out wat she really feels without leting her no i meant to ask that? through a text message and yes i need some advice cuz evn i thjought she wuldnt be calling me all dat...but on the other hand she hasnt talked abt what i told her..it has already been 7 hrs...we been talking from 7 hrs...yes not till 7 hrs..just from 7 hrs..and i need to really find out what she feels...i need some good advice...

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u guys just made my day..i told her i like her..and then she asked me the usual things a good frnd wuld ask..she said that if a relation has to start it should last long..she is worried abt whether it will last for long..cuz she is a really busy girl...working and studying and yes havin fun as well...but we can meett very less...thats wat she told me when i told her i like her...she said she cant talk after college hours cuz she is busy with work..and can meet me only once a week cuz her schedules are really packed...she also said that she is not good at relationships and incase we break up for some stupid reason she will lose a good frnd...now i told her to think properly abt it..and we r spose to talk about this tomorrow again....i guess she likes me more than a frnd from the way she talked..now all i have to do is convince her some how(ofcourse she dint ask me to convince her ) that if we into a relationship..it will last long...i need a good speech..really..i thought and thought and dunno how to do it...since i am gonna talk to her one on one...i better not screw it up..i dunt want any moments of silence while i am talking to her...help me guys...i guess the next advice will be as helpful as this one..(i have to convince her tomnorrow at 12 pm...thats apprx 21 hrs..plz dont hesitate to give any advice...as evry advice will help me no wat i shld do and nt)

THANX TO YALL...thanx a lot...

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