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i dont know what happened.... my girlfriend came over to watch a movie, she was getting scared, so we started cuddling... then we started going good... it was goin awesome, 2nd, 3rd (sorry bout the details) then we wanted to go home... so we did... and i regret ever doing so...

that turned me all around... she was supposed to be home at 11... i got her home at 11:05... she turned off her phone cuz it was annoying and we were busy... so... ya. anyways... got home base... and i hated it... the only reason was, because i didnt put on a condom... that was my first mistake... i am just stressing out like crazy right now because i didnt use a condom.... and then, my girlfriend textd me and told me tht she is grounded for turning her cell phone off... and tht her mom wont let her see me anymore.... another kick to the nuts.... this just hurts so much... i screw up not once but twice! i am so stressed out...


can anyone calm me down plz?? lol.. i am freaking out...

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I know the feeling about the condom...best thing is to talk to her about it. And next time something like that occurs make sure you are using the right head..stop and think about it. I know it may feel good, but it won't feel good if in 9 months you are a father. Not trying to be mean, but if you aren't going to be responible enough to say "hey lets slow down sincei don't have a condom" then you don't even need to be thinking about sex.

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this is crazy.. i am like shaking. see... i pulled out before i came.. but.. i dont know if i went a little too early.. i dont know... and i am so scared of pre-come...it can get a girl pregnant... this is freaking me out... i cant even talk to her! that is all i want to do! i just want to talk to her right now!!! i know that will calm me down... dam... i dont know what to do... its not the sex part that only gets me.. its the part of her mom not letting her see me anymore... that is crazy! i am going to need to see a psychiatrist soon... this is all too crazy...

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Hey Stop FREAKING OUT!!!! Yeah you may have came in her but guess what...the chances of getting pregnant are pretty slim.....even adults who try and try purposly often fail for the longest time.>>>>Yeah hope that she isn't but don't freak out because u don't know if she is or not. The parents most likely will calm down after then are done being mad at her...so just relax and take it easy and think about things for a while!

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Get her the morning after-pill asap at the local drug store, or at the doctor (family planning). It's a special higher dose of the regular birth control pill, and not the ru486 abortion pill. It is, I believe 93% effective if taken within 24 hours and decreases its effectiveness, per 24hrs. It is recommended to be taken within 3 days I believe.

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This is the reason pregnancy should take more than "just one time."


My friend went through the same deal a while back... but like someone said, it is pretty hard for the average woman to get pregnant, so just relax until you know something... Hell, my girlfriend missed two consecutive periods last year... talk about wanting to vomit, pass out, and overdose all at the same time... that was scary

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