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Do I love her or not???? (please reply asap)

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So there is this girl at school. She's always liked me, well actually shes only been going to my school for about a year now. So um she really likes me alot. And she really had a way of showing it. Like I knew right away that she liked me. I could tell by the way she looked at me, and how she wasnt able to take her eyes off of me. At first i didnt like her, i mean i wasnt attracted to her physicaly. But then after sometime, maybe around 4-6 months I noticed that she still likes me no less then she did before. And i started to want to like her back. I dont know why i wanted to like her back, maybe i felt sorry for her. So i started thinking about her. Seeing the look in her eyes when she looked at me made me feel good. And i believe that now i have grown to like her. But i keep thinking in the back of my head that u cant fool ur heart, and maybe i dont really like her, maybeits all just my imagination. I think so because i didnt fall in love with her at first sight. And i dont think i was ever going to fall for her. But those are all minor arguments which can be ignored. What really troubles me is that (now i that i think i like her) every time i look at her now, it doesnt make me feel good anymore. Instead it makes me feel worse. I feel bad inside, and i cant reallyu describe the feeling. But i just know that that isnt what u feel when ur in love. Now when i c her i become upset. I dont know why this is happening, she still likes me just as much. Now that she thinks that i like her she tries not to look at me as often, u know like she's trying to avoid getting caught. I still catch her alot. So i tried to "stop loving" her. but i cant, i just cant stop thinking about me. It's like half of me thinks that we belong together, sometimes i feel like she will always be there no matter what. But if i love her then why does it make me upset when i look at her. i think that maybe its my heart telling me that i do not love her, and i cant fool nature. I dont want her to get hurt. but the only person hurting right now is me. so what should i do? and what is this feeling im experiencing?



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I think the fact that you think you love her says a lot. You should try to be with her and see what happens. You cant predict how you will feel. Maybe she will become the most beautiful girl in the world to you. If you dont try you might miss out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She is the most beautiful girl in the world to me, or at least she was. I had a dream about her, I dream lots about her but this dream made me realize that she isn't the most beautiful girl in the world. I now see that there are other girls that are way prettier. I think before I what I saw in here was what I wanted to see. But now I see what is truly there. I still keep thinking about her, but alot less. There is a dance coming up at our school, and I wanted to ask her to go to the dance with me. But now I don't know what to do. I feel really awkward now. Cuz she thinks that I love her. Should I even go to the dance? What if she asks me to dance with her? It will crush her if I say no. She might think that I am an extremly shy moron who is scared of his own reflection in the mirror. I really think I should back away from her. If I start going out with her, eventually it will start to show that I don't really love her. How will she feel then? She will feel pretty bad now, I can't even imagine how she will feel then.

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