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Well me and me fiance broke up in August...he broke up with me. All we were doing was fighting and he just wanted to be single. He calls me all the time now...invites me over we hang out alot...we still do everything that bf gf do> The thing is...everything seems too good to be true. How do I know when he says he still has feelings for me and wants to be with me is true??? What if he is just saying those things to keep me around? How do I know he really means it. I mean....he can be jumping from me to another girl and when his other girls aren't around be calling me? So i guess I"m just wondering if I should trust him or cut off all ties I really want to tell him we have to stop until he figures out what he wants. What do you guys suggest and think?

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Well, you might be able to tell how he feels by reading his body language. Few people can lie with body language, very few people. And body language really is the language of love. So, read up on it.


Then, you other thing is to figure out how much contact to give him to get off his butt and commit, right? OK, well, I would pretty much continue as you are, but I would also turn it on and off. Sometimes, I would not be there, not act like his gf, not do anything and make him come chase me, and then at tohers, I would attack him, grab him, kiss him hard, and be very passionate. Give him something, then withdraw. Do it unpredictably, and he will become obsesssed with trying to get it. Of course, you might need to keep this up for a lifetime to keep him.

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I called him...told him things had to change...I also sent him an email and I asked him to read it...He wanted to know why I was freaking out! Becasue I dont want to be a toy is that ok? I told him to check his email and he is suppose to call back...Do i believe everything he says...Do I say anything just listen? WHAT DO I DO???????????????? i'm tired of being messed with some days he is so sincere and others i feel like i'm just being used

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Ok first off, you two were engaged, and yet he couldn't handle it and wanted to stay a free man. Sounds to me that he got cold feet and couldn't handle leaving all his free guy time so quickly.


But, on the other hand it seems to me that he has realized his mistake for the breakup and is trying to get you to realize it as well that maybe he wants to start up again. Him saying these things and doing these things with you is a relationship builder. He is trying to gain your trust and confide in him again.


Give him a second chance, and if something is still bothering you about this, then maybe you should follow your heart. It'll know what's right.


Good Luck

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