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I'm 34 and he is 22


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I have been dating a man 12 yrs younger than me for the past year. He is very sweet and has always fantasized about dating an older woman. I met this wonderful man at work and we are very discreet. I have many concerns about our age gap and continue to push him away. Should I stay or let him go?

By the way, I have a 6 yr. old child and recently divorced before the start of our relationship.

Please help, I am very confused and have never dated a younger man.

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link removed[/i]]I have been dating a man 12 yrs younger than me for the past year. He is very sweet and has always fantasized about dating an older woman. I met this wonderful man at work and we are very discreet. I have many concerns about our age gap and continue to push him away. Should I stay or let him go?

By the way, I have a 6 yr. old child and recently divorced before the start of our relationship.

Please help, I am very confused and have never dated a younger man.


It's a question of your own comfort level. You shouldn't be concerned objectively, because these relationships can work, objectively. The critical issue is what reservations do you have and why ... in other words, identifying and articulating your concerns about the age gap in your relationship with him, and trying to understand whether these concerns are workable for you or not. If you do have some concerns, best to confront them now and think about them now rather than sweeping them under the rug.

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I answered a question today that someone asked here about how he is finding it difficult to be friends with a girl he wants more from. I am in a similar boat and it involves a girl who is 32 and im 23, she also has a daughter who i think is 8 now. My answer:


"Im in a similar situation.


Went out with this girl, well lady (She's 8 1/2 years older than me), last year. Got caught up in a sort of triangle as i found out later she was on a temp split up with her bf but they planned to get back together, and i got caught up unfortunately(he asked for the temp split, im guessing after 2 months she was not sure if they would get back together hence showed an interest in me). I was gutted . I've never fancied a girl so much, to me she is just so beautiful its crazy. After a few months of txing with the hope that it wouldnt last with her bf, it all went to pieces and she said goodbye basically.


9 months later with no contact and with me finally over her (pathetic really, i was only seeing her for 6 weeks and only saw her like 5 times, but thats all it took to realise she was something special) she tx me out of the blue to ask how i was. We got txing quite a bit, she told me she finished with the guy just after Christmas and hadent seen anyone for 5 months but had been thinking about me. Basically we got round to seeing each other again. Unfortunately, this time round i only saw her 4 times, before she got worried that she shouldn't be messing with me as im too young for her. Thing is, deep down i guess i agree with her. She should be looking for someone her own age and who is financialy secure as she told me for the reason we shouldnt see each other. Whereas for myself, if things were going great, how would i feel in 10 years time when im just over 30 and she over 40? and theres perhaps hot 20 year olds after me?


So this time, the split was not as bad as we were both in agreement, although we have stayed in contact the last 2 months by tx and plan to meet up again. We both (well i said to her and she agreed) decided that it was stupid to stay away from each other as we both like each other, but both realise it can never be anything really serious, but that should not be a reason to never see each other. So now when she is out she plans to contact me to meet up. Good idea or bad? Probably bad. And how long will it be til she finds a guy her age she really likes and i wont be able to see her at all, or at best just as a friend. I couldnt just meet up with her as friends, maybe its selfish of me, but I fancy her too much.


I can't help how i feel, although i know its not a great idea to see her, I find her too attractive, she makes me enjoy my life etc. Dam, i really need to find another Goddess."


So there it is. I like this girl more than any other girl i have ever met before in my life. She is physically perfect. Personailty wise I have not had the chance to really get to know her well enough, but we get on fine. I worry ill never find anyone I like as much as her ever again, and im only 23 for crying out loud.


So for your situation, u know how u feel and u seem happy enough with him. But does he feel the same and will he in 10 years time? Like i said, I am crazy about this girl i have seen, but even when i have never liked a girl as much as i like her, will it be the same in 10 years?

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