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Did she just betray me..? HELP!!!

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Hi!!! Its been a while since my last post, but I wanted to thank all of you who have helped me and lent me their ears for listening to my problems. Actually I have posted this before, about a certain person that she calls herself my so called bestfriend. A lot of you guys told me, just to observe and be wary of her, coz you'll never know when would she pounce.


Well, its a been a month and a half since me and my boyfriend broke-up but we are still in good talking terms, we are trying to be friends. And everything is ironed out. Now to those who does not know the background of this predicament is that this friend of mine, would call my ex boyfriend when i was still in a relationship with him, and then would ask him to drive her anywhere or just sometimes to chat. Now, my ex boyfriend is a nice guy and all, and there is this even one occasion that she called him in his cell and I am the one who answered the phone and she sounded so shocked that I have answered it, and then didnt even said hi to me and just plainly directly asked for my boyfriend. I mean that was downright rude, coz she is not his friend but mine, and she didnt even said hi or anything. That is one amongst other things.


Now I did what you guys have told me to. Observe her, and wait out coz the real traitor will come out. I'm glad I waited it out, coz now I found out something about her.


Last weekend, I confided in her on how my ex sometimes sounds cold to me on the phone and instead of making me feel better, she told me that she couldnt blame my ex for talking to me that way, coz obviously i broke up with him. In the back of my head, i started to think that she doesnt sound right. Then she opened up the fact that she had bumped into my ex at the mall, and that he was soo angry about the break-up and told her about some things. Now that got me upset, coz it foretails that he did everything for me and this and that which is basically not decent & not true. She told me not to confront him and for some odd reason she added that she didnt tell him that I'm checking out somebody. I said its okay, even if he found out about it. Its no big deal, coz i will tell him myself.


I talked to my ex and asked him about the things, we both patched up and everything was clarified. Until I asked him the big question that why did he accused me of cheating. He said why dont you asked your friend. I asked him ask who and what? He told me about that I'm checking out this guy and that is the reason I broke up with him. and the only person that knows about this is this girl, that bumped into him at the mall.


I told & clarified with him, I didnt cheated on you, and you already knew that I should be better than that. he told me every detail about their conversation. That she kept on asking him if he is ok and that she even asked for him to drive her home, which he asked if she mentioned it to me. I said no, she didnt. At first he declined but, she is relentless and keeps on asking him for a ride, and nice guy as him, he said ok and when he drops her she told him, to not tell me that he dropped her coz i might get mad, and she said she promised him that she wont tell me as well.


She called me as well, and asked why i called and i told him i had a talked with my ex and that everythng was fine. All of a sudden she gave me this big spill about she regretted telling the bumping incident coz i might fight with my ex, and i said no everything is cool, and she still went on that if she didnt tell me, she feels that she is betraying me or something. She asked me if i asked about the accusing thng. & this is where the mind games began, i told her all he said was why dont you ask your friends. all of a sudden she is all jumpy and defensive saying that is why she had beat my ex to tell me about the incident so that she wouldnt look bad. I asked myself wat the heck was that. She said that she knew it, that my ex would make her look bad. I said he didnt mention any names, if you got my drift he said FRIENDS plural not a friend. (i already have one point)

But the main thing is SHE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT KNOWS about the new guy, why would my ex sound he is sure about the facts about how and where i met this guy. eh?


Secone test. I told her i told him, about the recent guy. All of a sudden from sounding so panicky & worried. she sound jubilant and relieved, she said what you told him that, your busted. I told her, what do u mean busted you are making it sound like Im sneaking around somebody's back. She sounded happy that i told him about the other guy and she said that my ex is trying to make me admit it, just playing it dumb.


The bottom line here, she is not the person I pictured her to be. If you are her and you bumped into my ex would you do the things she did, and

what do you guys think about her? Some advice please, should I condront her about that? (my ex told me that he told me before to not be friends with this girl)



thank you in advance for you inputs and sorry for making the story too long, I just wanted you guys to know the details.Please Help!!

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I think this girl is trouble.

She seems to be very manipulative, maybe she was jelous of what you and you ex had, mayb she wanted more time with you or maybe she likes him herself?

I don't think she sounds very thrustworthy to me, but i have only heard this little bit about her.

If i was you, i'd invite her round and as nicely and politely as possible ask her all the questions you want the answers to without accusing her of anything, after all she is meant to be your best friend.

Hopefully you'll get to the bottom of the proble, mayb she just has no self confiendce and was jelous of you being happy, i know this sounds bad but you do need to chat.


Sugar XxXxX

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Well, she used to be my bestfriend but now just a friend. I have tried to distant myself from her. This is not the first time I had trouble with her when it comes to guys. Even when we were younger, she will have a fight with specially if the boys that she likes would go for me and not for her, and she would lable me a man hungered girl. I know its been years since those fights, but man, the words are still there cant be erased. She also has this problem about taking advantage of people, and also she cant articulate the exact words that she wants to say, so i still try to understand her. But I distanced myself from her, but she wont just leave me alone.


Im not just sure what questions to ask her, because in the situation I am right now, it really questions how trustyworthy she is, and of whom shall i believe in. My exbfs words against hers. I mean their story only matched when that they bumped into each other. My ex bf told me right out what happened. while the other plays it coy like i should have not told you this or that i feel bad and this. You know me im your friend, you know me better that i wont tell him anythng or something like that. She really denies it as in denies it, eventhough I have not asked her if she did say anything.


How could i really caught her off guard that she did say it, (coz i know she will be in the defensive side and will tell me, i could not believe you can think that i did that, im your friend you know) and i wanted to know how her intentions specially hiding the fact the she wants to keep it secret when he drop her home. All of her calling him and stuff my ex told me, coz he warned me about her.


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Yesterday was my birthday. Everybody greeted me even my ex called. I was waiting for that friend of mine to call me. I said to myself, if she calls, then it means I can still doubt her, if she wont then it means she is trying to avoid confrontations and is really guilty that she had done somthing bad.


The reason I said about giving her the benefit of the doubt is because she is a tackless talker, perhaps its not her intention to tell him or anything like that.


But she never called, I really want to just let her know that I am aware of what she had done, about telling bad thigns behind my back and keeping the dropping off home incident a secret. I mean why the secrecy, even if she thought that I might get mad or something like that, then why bother asking for a ride at all if the respect is there, or even if he did drop her home, there is no big deal specially if the circumstances permits that he needs to drop her, and she could have just told me right out that it happened specially if there is no other intentions other the need to be dropped home.


Sorry if I seem to be ranting, I just dont get it, that I need to be left out of that information. grrrr

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