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Need help to gain 10- 20 pounds

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Well, you should be looking for protein or amino acids. Take them right after you work out. And get whey protein, preferably. So, you need to work out, then supplement. When you work out, do each set to failure, when you cannot push it any more, and rest at least a day before hitting the same body part. Drink lots fo water when you supplemtn protein. Also make sure you get enough vitamins and minerals.


You might also consider using enzymes when you eat, like papain and bromelain, which help absorb protein. Some danger there is damage to your stomach from an ulcer.

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heh, im your man


before i got my first scholarship offer i was always told, "your one hell of a player son...but how much dow you weigh?" 6'7 200 does not a Tight End make.


Long story short im sitting today 6'7 230 and did it in three months while keeping my body fat below 10%.


Ill just give you a rundown of what it took for me to gain the weight, it was unbelievably slow, painful, sickening at times but if you have a goal it can be done...i would recommend seeing a dietician because every person is different but here is what i eat daily.


Breakfast: 3 Whole wheat eggo waffles with reg. syrup 3 eggs (scrambled) 16 oz. of cherry juice, 2 sausage patties, a full bagle with grape jelly on it.


Mid morning- usually 1-2 hours after breakfast- 2 oz of peanuts, a granola bar and a 20 oz. gatorade.


lunch- usually 1-2 hours later- a bagle sandwhich with 8oz of meat, 2 oz of cheese. 25 carrots, 25 grapes, sugar free pudding, a 20 oz. gatorade.


mid afternoon before football- 20 oz gatorade, clif bar (basically a protein bar it has 20g of protein in it)


dinner right after football practice- normally its 2 steaks, mashed potatoes, 4 rolls, macaroni and cheese, A1 sauce is allowed but not recommended, 16 oz of chocolate milk (extra calories from the chocolate sauce) plus dessert of whatever i choose.


Evening snack- this is where it gets sorta tough, 32 oz of milkshake mixed in with whey protein (not sure on the amount but its quite a bit) followed by a creatine (tough to explain but it is a legal body building substance, just not tested for long term harmful effects yet) smoothie.


thats about what i eat in a day, now, you can eat this if you want...and just get fatter and fatter, you need to workout like you've never worked out before. This program was my summer program...we are trying to change it for school since i can't work out like i did, but usually it was 2 workouts, each about 3 hours or so morning and evening. The morning was lifting, conditioning, basic athleticism work...the evening workout was Tight End specifics, like explosion off the line, pass catching, route sharpness, and a TON of conditioning (the morning conditioning was only like 10 40 yard dashes...evening was a 300 yard shuttle run in 60 seconds followed by 5-6 40's) To do the 300 yard shuttle run up and back 15 yards (up and back is 1) 10 times, try to beat 70 seconds, 60 takes awhile to work up to.


Um...PM me if you have questions.



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I completely agree with the above post....................

Also increase your total calorie intake by 50%, and try to spread your meals out, don't eat three big meals, eat five or six medium sized ones.

Try to put down 100grams of protein a day, and try to do at least 20 minutes of low impact aerobic excersise a day (walking). This will burn off glycogen stores, and speed up your bodies processing of all the new nutrients it's bringing in. It will cause your new muscle to be lean, and not marbled with fat.



good luck



and also, drink water 100oz's a day.

eat your carbs before noon, and protein after.

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