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Because of my own integrity!

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I worked for a major telecom company for 8 years. My boss of 3 years promised to help me get into management after I graduated. 6 months before graduation my manager tells me he won't promote me because I'm not ready but he continually gives the opportunity to members of a different race. When I confronted him with the false promises and being stepped over by my counterparts I became a trouble-maker! (lol) When I went to higher level executives, again I hit a brick wall. Now this is STRESS!!! After 8 years of dedicated work, I was well above good standing but I was continually being denied the opportunity to grow with a growing company because of my race. Eventually I submitted a letter of resignation because of my own integrity. In a good year I would make 70,000 and that is without my degree. Now that I'm degreed in computer science I make $12.50 per hr. approximately 25,000 per year, this is hardly adequate to pay my mortgage, car payments, and take care of my wife and kids like I used to. I see why folks commit suicide. Bill collectors keep calling and I don't have the money. Enter: DEEP DEPRESSION!!! I keep looking for jobs but nothing is on the horizon. Everyday I feel sick and depressed, my wife and I argue about things that we have never argued about. I have no cable TV, no cell phone, and will lose my home soon if I can't find a better job. I know this is a hard one but does anyone have any suggestions?

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Well assuming you are in the United States if you are a member of a protected class you can file a complaint with the state Equal Opportunity Commission or you can file a lawsuit. If you are not a member of a protected class, then you have to file this one in the "life sucks" bucket.


I suppose it's too late to tell you this but I wouldn't have recommended quitting before you had something else lined up. That puts you in a high pressure situation because now you have to have a job immediately and you'll need to take anything offered to you.


Check with your state unemployment agency to see if they have job listings. Check the job boards, newspapers, etc. Call everyone you know and network to try to find an opening.

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Okay the computer industry is tough these days, but you should be able to find something better. Update your resume. Check with the local job bank, it's state run. Also check out tech sites for job postings? There are specialized sites out there that are industry specific (do a search). My You can also go to specific companies. Larger ones in the area and look up postings in their career section. Or even apply in different states. IBM for example.


You may need to sell some stuff. Sell the cars, get something less expensive or something you can own outright. You'll still have expenses related to the cars but you'll be better off financially without a monthly carpayment or two. Next up the house. Can you rent a room out? Can you downsize?


I know when you're overwhelmed you don't see some of the obvious things you can do to improve the situation. Financial problems are my big downfall, they stress me out to the max. But I also know they are usually temporary in nature. Maybe this will help or someone else will have more insight.


I also agree that quitting before lining up another job was a mistake.

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